Home and School Connection in Promoting EFL Literacy Practices at Senior High School
Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi potret praktik literasi EFL di rumah dan sekolah serta mengungkap peran orang tua sebagai sponsor literasi dan bagaimana guru menerapkan hubungan antara praktik literasi di rumah dan sekolah. Dengan menggunakan studi kasus, lima siswa SMA dari berbagai latar belakang, orang tua mereka, dan seorang guru bahasa Inggris menjadi partisipan dalam penelitian ini. Data diambil dari analisis dokumen narasi literasi siswa, observasi kelas, dan wawancara dengan partisipan. Praktik literasi di rumah dan di sekolah saling terkait erat, masing-masing memainkan peran penting dalam membentuk kemampuan dan kinerja siswa. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa setiap siswa mempunyai praktik literasi yang berbeda-beda di rumah meskipun beberapa diantaranya mempunyai keterkaitan yang memungkinkan untuk dikelompokkan dalam beberapa tema. Sementara itu, dalam kerangka terstruktur di sekolah, guru berperan sebagai fasilitator pengalaman literasi. Semua siswa berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan tersebut, namun beberapa tampak lebih menonjol dibandingkan yang lain. Peran orang tua sebagai sponsor literasi dalam praktik literasi bahasa Inggris siswa dilakukan secara berbeda-beda. Tidak semua siswa memiliki lingkungan yang mendukung praktik literasi; ada pula yang tampaknya menghadapi kendala, bahkan aksesnya diblokir karena faktor tertentu. Melalui berbagai kegiatan sekolah yang berhubungan dengan praktik literasi siswa di rumah, bahkan ada yang menjadi solusi untuk menjembatani kesenjangan praktik literasi siswa di rumah, terlihat bahwa guru merasakan adanya hubungan yang kuat antara praktik literasi di sekolah dan di rumah. Jelas bahwa mengembangkan pendekatan holistik terhadap pengembangan literasi memerlukan kolaborasi dan kemitraan antara keluarga dan guru karena siswa mengalami praktik literasi bahasa Inggris dengan cara yang berbeda.
This research explored the portrait of home and school EFL literacy practices as well as revealed the parents’ role as literacy sponsors and how the teacher implements the connection of home and school literacy practices. Using a case study, five students of senior high school from various backgrounds, their parents, and an English teacher were the participants in this study. The data were taken from document analysis of students’ literacy narratives, classroom observation, and interviews with the participants. Both home and school literacy practices are deeply intertwined, each playing a crucial role in shaping students' abilities and performances. It shows that every student has different literacy practices at home although some of them have a connection that allowed them to be grouped in some themes. Meanwhile, within the structured framework of the school setting, the teacher served as a facilitator of literacy experiences. All students participate in the activities, but some appear to stand out more than others. The role of parents as the literacy sponsor in the students’ English literacy practices has been done differently from one to another. Not all students have a supportive environment for literacy practices; some seem to face obstacles, with their access even being blocked for certain factors. Through various school activities related to students' home literacy practices, some even serving as a solution to bridge the gap in students' literacy practices at home, it is evident that the teacher perceives a strong connection between literacy practices at school and home. It is clear that fostering a holistic approach to literacy development requires collaboration and partnership between families and teacher since the students experienced English literacy practice in different ways.