Kata kunci : kondisi fisik, futsal, female Bojonegoro.
Physical condition is a prerequisite that an athlete must possess to improve and develop maximum sports performance. The purpose of this study was to determine how good the physical condition of the futsal club athletes on female Bojonegoro was. This research method uses an evaluative method with a descriptive approach. The subjects in this study were futsal club athletes female Bojonegoro. The sampling technique of this study was using a total sampling technique. This research instrument uses MFT (Multistage Fitness Test), 30-meter speed (illnoiss agility run), (standing trunk flexion), push-ups, and sit-ups. The data analysis technique used descriptive statistics. The results obtained showed that the futsal club athlete female Bojonegoro on the endurance testability. The lowest value was 3.1 ml/kg/m, and the highest was 5.3 ml/kg/m; the average was 28.7 ml/kg/m. The lowest value is 05.00 seconds in the speed category, and the highest is 03.00 seconds, which is in the excellent category. The lowest agility value is 22, 38 seconds, and the highest value is 16, 81; the average 19.7 is in the medium category. The lowest value for flexibility is 5 cm, the highest score was 27 cm, the average was 16.4 in the perfect category. Sit-ups were the lowest score for 12 times, and the highest score was 33 times, the average 29.7 was in a perfect category, the strength was push-up the lowest 24 times, the highest score was 36 times, an average of 23.9, in the perfect category. These results concluded that the futsal club athletes in female Bojonegoro showed the value of physical condition of endurance, moderate, excellent speed, moderate agility, perfect flexibility, perfect strength of sit-ups, and push-ups.
Keywords: physical condition, futsal, female Bojonegoro.