Busana pesta yang dibuat terinspirasi dari Burung raja udang erasia yang merupakan penghuni asli di Taman Nasional Wakatobi Burung raja udang erasia ini memiliki nama latin yaitu alcedo atthis yang akan menjadi perwujudan manipulating fabric pleating knife yang diterapkan pada busana pesta Tujuan penulisan Tugas Akhir ini 1 Mendeskripsikan proses pembuatan pleating knife pada busana pesta dengan tema the unique of alcedo atthis 2 Mendeskripsikan hasil jadi pleating knife pada busana pesta dengan tema the unique of alcedo atthis
Penulisan Tugas Akhir ini menggunakan metode rekayasa dan metode pengambilan data menggunakan metode observasi untuk jumlah observer berjumlah 10 orang dari para ahli Tata Busana Instrumen penilaian berupa lembaran observasi Metode analisa data menggunakan analisis deskriptif Proses pembuatan manipulating pleating knife tersebut Ada beberapa tahapan dalam membuat suatu busana dimulai dari mencari sumber ide rencana warna sasaran pasar desain analisis desain pemilihan bahan hingga proses pembuatan manipulating pleating knife
Proses pembuatan pleating knife pada busana pesta malam dengan tema The Unique Of Alcedo Atthis proses pembuatannya menggunakan pleasting dengan sumber ide dari burung raja udang erasia Bahan yang digunakan pada proses pembuatan busana pesta ini adalah kain roberto Hasil jadi manipulating pleating knife pada busana pesta dengan tema the unique of alcedo atthis berdasarkan aspek kesesuaian desain dengan sumber ide burung raja udang erasia memperoleh 3 3 sehingga termasuk kategori cukup baik Serta aspek teknik perwujudan manipulating dengan sumber ide burung raja udang erasia memperoleh 3 35 sehingga termasuk kategori cukup baik Serta aspek hasil akhir busana dengan sumber ide burung raja udang erasia memperoleh 3 46 sehingga termasuk kategori cukup baik Sehingga dapat dinyatakan bahwa perwujudan busana dalam Tugas Akhir Penerapan Pleating Knife Pada Busana Pesta Dengan Tema The Unique Of Alcedo Atthis berkategori cukup baik
Kata kunci Busana pesta Pleating Knife Unique of Alcedo Atthis
The party outfit was inspired by the Erasia Kingfisher who is a inhabitant of Wakatobi National Park The king of shirmp of Erasia has a Latin name Alcedo Atthis which will be a manifestation of manipulating fabric pleating knife that is applied to party clothrd The purpose of writing this Final Project 1 Describe the process of making pleating knife in a party outfit with the theme pf unique of alcedo atthis 2 Describe the results of being a pleating knife in a party outfit with the theme og the unique of alced atthis
Writing this final project uses engineering methods and methods of data cellection using observation methods for the number of observers totaling 10 people from Clothing Design experts The assesment intrument was in the form of an observation sheet Data analysis method uses decriptive analysis The process of making manipulating pleating knife as well as knowing the results of being manipulating pleating knife There are several stages in making a fashion starting from finding the source of ideas color plans target markets design design analysis selection of materials to the manufacturing process of manipulating pleating knife
The process of making pleating knives at evening party outfits with the theme of The Unique Of Alcedo Atthis is the process of making them using pleting with the source of ideas from the king prawn erasia The material used in the process of making this party outfit is roberto fabric The results became manipulating pleating knife in a party outfit with the unique of alcedo atthis theme based on the aspect of design suitability with the source of the idea of the king of birds of Erasia getting 3 3 so that it was included in the quite good category As well as the technical aspects of the embodiment of manipulating with the source of the idea of the king of the shrimp erasia it has gained 3 35 so that it belongs to the quite good category As well as aspects of the end results of clothing with the source of the idea of the king prawn Erasia obtained 3 46 so that it is included in the quite good category So that it can be stated that the embodiment of fashion in the Final Project The Application of Pleating Knife in Party Clothing with the theme of The Unique Of Alcedo Atthis is quite good
Keywords Party Dress Pleating Knife Unique of Alcedo Atthis