Kualitas Pelayanan Publik di Desa Bambel Kecamatan Bambel Kabupaten Aceh Tengggara
Quality of Public Services in Bambel Village Bambel Disctict Shoutheast Regency
Pelayanan publik merupakan tugas pemerintah yang menjadi kebutuhan pokok terutama bagi masyarakat desa untuk mencapai suatu tujuan tertentu. Kualitas pelayanan publik dari pemerintah sebagai pemberi pelayanan dapat terlihat dari bagaimana kepuasan masyarakat terhadap pelayanan yang diberikan tersebut. Setiap lembaga pemerintahan tentu memiliki konsep dan sistematika pelayanan publik masing-masing. Artikel ini bertujuan yaitu untuk mendeskripsikan optimalisasi kualitas pelayanan publik dalam pelayanan di Pemerintah Desa Bambel Kecamatan Bambel Kabupaten Aceh Tenggara.i Sumber data dari penelitian ini adalah masyarakat, perangkat dan kepala desa Bambel. Data yang didapatkan pada penelitian ini berdasarkan pengumpulan wawancara dan dokumentasi oleh peneliti. Hasil dari penelitian ini menurut teori Kotler dalam Tjiptono (2016:284) membuktikan bahwa pelayanan publik pada pemerintah desa Bambel telah memenuhi lima faktor dominan yaitu, berwujud (tangible) berupa pelayanan publik pada Pemerintah desa Bambel dilakukan pada kediaman Kepala Desa Bambel, empati (empaty) berupa Kepala Desa Bambel beserta staffnya yang memiliki empati yang baik, cepat tanggap (responsif) berupa Kepala Desa Bambel cepat tanggap dalam memberikan pelayanan, keandalan (reliability) berupa terus beradaptasi dalam kualitas pelayanan seiring berkembangnya zaman, kepastian (assurance) berupa memberi kepastian bahwa Kepala Desa Bambel bertanggungjawab atas dokumen-dokumen masyarakat yang diurus. Peneliti memberi saran berupa, diharapkan Pemerintah Desa segera mengalihfungsikan kantor di Desa Bambel sesuai dengan tujuan kantor dan menjadi kantor resmi pelayanan publik, agar segala bentuk pelayanan tidak dilakukan pada kediaman Kepala Desa Bambel.
Public service is a government task which is a basic need, especially for rural communities to achieve a certain goal. The quality of public services from the government as a service provider can be seen from how satisfied the community is with the services provided. Every government agency certainly has its own concept and systematics of public services. This article aims to describe the optimization of the quality of public services in services at the Bambel Village Government, Bambel District, Southeast Aceh Regency. The data obtained in this study were based on interviews and documentation collected by researchers. The results of this study according to Kotler's theory in Tjiptono (2016: 284) prove that public services at the Bambel village government have met five dominant factors, namely, tangible in the form of public services at the Bambel village government carried out at the residence of the Bambel Village Head, empathy (empathy). ) in the form of the Bambel Village Head and his staff who have good empathy, responsive (responsive) in the form of the Bambel Village Head being quick to respond in providing services, reliability in the form of continuing to adapt in service quality as the times develop, assurance in the form of providing assurance that The Bambel Village Head is responsible for managing community documents. The researcher gives advice in the form of, it is hoped that the Village Government will immediately convert the office in Bambel Village according to the purpose of the office and become an official public service office, so that all forms of service are not carried out at the residence of the Bambel Village Head.
Keywords: Quality, Public Service, Bambel Village