Nissa, Heppy
Zakiatun. (2020). Traditional Game Media Development of Rope Jump
Modification to Develop Gross Motor and Social development of Children Group B
at TK DWP Randegansari Driyorejo Gresik .
Thesis, Basic Education Program of Early Childhood Education Concentration,
postgraduate Program of Surabaya State University. Promotor: (I) Prof. Dr.
Mustaji, M. Pd., and (II) Dr. Hendratno, M. Hum
words : Gross Motor development, Social
Development, Ttraditional Game Media, children
The purpose of
this research is to know the validity, practicality and effectiveness of media
media game traditional jumping rope modification to improve the development of
crude and social motor child. The crude motor development in question is the
ability to jump and social development in question is the ability of children
to play with peers and be cooperative. The research method uses Dick and Carey
model development research with the following steps: a). Analyzing the need,
B.) Analyzing learning, C.) Analyzing child characteristics and learning context,
D.) Formulating specific learning objectives, E.) Develop research instruments,
F.) Develop learning strategies, G.) Develop teaching materials, H.) Designing
and implementing formative evaluation, I.) Revising learning. The subject of
research taken is kindergarten children
aged 5-6 years as much as 54 children. The subject of research also involves 2
material experts and learning media. Data collection using a product
feasibility test poll from media experts and material experts, interviews on
individual trials, interviews on small group trials and observation sheets on
field trials with indicators on rough motor development, among others,
coordinated body movements to train flexibility, balance and agility, jump over
obstacles with a height of 20-40 cm, and perform a leap of 38-60 cm towards the
target with obstacles. As for indicators of social development, among others,
obey the rules of the game, play with peers, be cooperative with friends, and
realize the rights and interests of others. Data analysis techniques using the
N-Gain Score index.
Research development resulted in a product in the form
of media usage guide game "Lokota" and Media Game "Lokota"
which has got expert validation with validation value 98% very valid category
in traditional game media jumping rope modification and 92% in the validation
results of the Game Media usage Handbook. While the practicality of the use of
media obtained results 100% of respondents stated that practical media for use
and the results of media effectiveness get a percentage gain as much as 90% are
in high category so that there is increased learning outcomes during pretests
and posttest on rough motor capability. As for the social capability as much as
71% of children are in high category so increased results during pretests and