Analisis Karakter Mother Miranda dalam Game Resident Evil “Village”
Analysis of The Character Mother Miranda in The Game Resident Evil "Village"
Resident Evil Village adalah game kedelapan dalam seri utama Resident Evil yang menonjol karena keunikannya dalam penggunaan berbagai tema horor gotik klasik dengan karakter yang ikonik. Penelitian ini menganalisis karakter antagonis utama Resident Evil Village, Mother Miranda, pemimpin desa yang dipuja dan didewakan layaknya figur archetypal. Bertujuan untuk mengkaji penggambaran The Great Mother Archetype, penelitian deskriptif kualitatif ini menerapkan Manga Matrix untuk mendeskripsikan karakter dan teori The Great Mother Archetype karya Neumann untuk menginterpretasikan karakteristik archetypal dan simbol archetype yang digambarkan karakter Mother Miranda. Mother Miranda diketahui menunjukkan karakteristik archetypal yang dimiliki keempat karakter archetype The Great Mother. Namun, semua bukti yang menunjukkan karakteristik positif dilakukan untuk tujuan manipulatif, sehingga tidak mencerminkan karakter aslinya. Selain itu, banyak simbol archetype The Great Mother yang mengarah pada kecenderungan manipulatif tersebut. Maka, dari seluruh data yang dianalisis, terlihat bahwa di antara keempat karakter archetype The Great Mother, the Terrible Mother adalah yang paling menonjol direpresentasikan oleh Mother Miranda.
Kata Kunci: Game, Karakter, Resident Evil Village, Archetype The Great Mother, Manga Matrix
Resident Evil Village is the eighth game in the main Resident Evil series which stands out because of its unique use of various classic gothic horror themes with iconic characters. This research analyzes the main antagonist of Resident Evil Village, Mother Miranda, the village leader who is worshiped and deified like an archetypal figure. Aiming to examine the depiction of The Great Mother Archetype, this qualitative descriptive study applies Manga Matrix to describe the character and Neumann’s theory of The Great Mother Archetype to interpret the archetypal characteristics and symbols of the archetype that are depicted by Mother Miranda’s character. Mother Miranda has been found to exhibit archetypal characteristics that belonged to all four of the characters of The Great Mother Archetype. However, all of the instances where positive characteristics were exhibited, are done for manipulative purposes therefore do not reflect her true character. In addition, there are plenty of symbols of the Great Mother archetype that point towards these manipulative tendencies. Therefore, from all the data that has been analyzed, it shows that among the four characters of the Great Mother, the Terrible Mother is the most prominently represented by Mother Miranda.
Keywords: Game, Character, Resident Evil Village, The Great Mother Archetype, Manga Matrix