(Study on 2014 Election Results
Name : Firdausi
Nuzulla Isnainy
Course :
DIII State Administration
Majors : Public
Faculty :
Faculty Of Social Sciences and Law
Name Of
Institution : State University Of
Professor : Yuni Lestari,
S.AP., M.AP.
One form of policy implementation
that runs in Indonesia is the Womens Representation Policy in the Chair of the
district/city Regional Representative Council (DPRD). Analysis of the
implementation of this policy needs to be done, to obtain information about the
level of womens participation in the implementation of the General Election.
The purpose of the implementation of this research was to analyze and describe
the Implementation of Womens Representation Policy in the Chair of the
Regional Representatives Council (DPRD) of Surabaya (Study of the 2014 Election
Results Analysis).
The research
approach used is a research approach using mixed methods. The approach with
this method combines two forms of research, namely qualitative research and
quantitative research. In this study there are three focuses that will be
analyzed including; first, Policy Implementation 30% (thirty percent) of female
representation in the process of submitting or registering candidates for
Surabaya DPRD members. Second, in the Process of Determining the Provisional
List of Candidates for Surabaya DPRD Members Third, in the Process of
Determining the List of Permanent Candidates for Surabaya DPRD Members in the
2014 General Elections.
Data collection
techniques in this study used 4 (four) methods namely observation, interviews,
and documentation, as well as questionnaires or questionnaires. The data
analysis technique in this study uses 2 (two) types of data analysis
techniques. First, qualitative data analysis techniques using 4 (four) methods,
namely data collection methods, data reduction, data display (data
presentation), and conclusions/verification. Second, quantitative data analysis
techniques using a questionnaire or closed questionnaire method. Then it will
be processed using the measurement scale method, namely the Likert scale.
The results of this
study illustrate that, in a series of General Election implementation
processes, precisely in the process of submitting or registering Candidates for
Members of the Regional Representative Council of the City of Surabaya, the
process of establishing a Provisional List of Candidates for the Permanent List
of Members of the Regional Representative Council of Surabaya City the policy
of 30% (thirty percent) of women's representation is appropriate and meets the
indicators formulated by Mazmanian and Sabatier (in Agustino, 2014: 145-149).
This indicator consists of variables; easy or not the problem is controlled,
the ability of policies to structure the implementation process, and variables
outside the policy that affect the implementation process.
In each indicator
that has been analyzed, there are still some obstacles. But overall, the
results of the implementation of this policy have been maximized and in line
with expectations. Suggestions from the author, both the Surabaya City Election
Commission, and the Candidates or Candidates for Members of the Regional
Representative Council of the City of Surabaya, to be able to remain consistent
or even increase each stage in the process of implementing women's
representation policies. This aims to increase the percentage of representation
of women in the Legislative Chair.
Keywords: policy implementation, election policy general, women's representation