Narasi Kriminalitas dalam Teks Film Trilogi Comic 8 Karya Anggy Umbara (Kajian Naratokriminologi)
Crime Narrative in the Text of the Comic 8 Trilogy Film by Anggy Umbara (Naratocriminology Study)
Penelitian yang berjudul “Narasi Kriminalitas dalam Teks Film Trilogi Comic 8 Karya Anggy Umbara (Kajian Naratokriminologi)” ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan (1) penarasian kriminalitas dalam teks film trilogi Comic 8 karya Anggy Umbara; (2) deviasi dalam teks film trilogi Comic 8 karya Anggy Umbara; Penelitian ini memanfaatkan teori Naratologi Seymour Chatman dan Kriminologi Edwin Lemert. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan sosiologi sastra, teknik analisis data menggunakan metode hermeneutik. Data yang dianalisis sesuai permasalahan yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini yakni penyimpangan yang melatarbelakangi munculnya narasi kriminalitas dalam trilogi teks film Comic 8 karya Anggy Umbara.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bahwa tindakan yang mengarah pada perbuatan kriminal tokoh dalam adegan lebih mendominasi dibandingkan dengan kirminalitas tanpa tindakan yang hanya melalui ucapan secara verbal. Dalam sekuel pertama tersebut menampilkan keterlibatan tokoh dengan karakternya masing-masing dalam menjalankan peran di suatu latar hingga alur ceritanya berjalan sesuai dengan peristiwa yang diskenariokan oleh sutradara dengan melibatkan tokoh sebagai narator utamanya, sehingga berdasarkan naratologi Chatman tergolong pada narator tertutup. Peristiwa dalam sekuel tersebut didominasi oleh kernel yakni peristiwa yang menjadi cikal bakal atau atau menjadi sentral peristiwa lainnya. Berdasarkan telaah narasi kriminalitas dalam ketiga film Comic 8, ditemukan beberapa adegan deviasi yang tampak, seperti dalam film Comic 8 sekuel pertama menunjukkan adanya 6 adegan yang tergolong pada penyimpangan individual, 7 adegan penyimpangan situasional, dan 6 adegan penyimpangan sistematis. Kemudian pada sekuel kedua menunjukkan adanya 6 adegan yang tergolong pada penyimpangan individual, 4 adegan penyimpangan situasional, dan 5 adegan penyimpangan sistematis. Pada sekuel ketiga menunjukkan adanya 2 adegan yang tergolong pada penyimpangan individual, 8 adegan penyimpangan situasional, dan 6 adegan penyimpangan sistematis.
Kata kunci: Narasi Kriminalitas, F i l m , Kajian Naratokriminologi
The research entitled "Crime Narrative in the Text of the Comic 8 Trilogy Film by Anggy Umbara (Naratocriminology Study)” aims to describe (1) the narrative of crime in the trilogy film text Comic 8 the work of Anggy Umbara; (2) deviation in the trilogy film text Comic 8 the work of Anggy Umbara; This research utilizes the theories of Seymour Chatman's Narratology and Edwin Lemert's Criminology. This research includes qualitative research with a literary sociology approach, data analysis techniques using the hermeneutic method. The data analyzed is in accordance with the problems raised in this research, namely the deviations that lie behind the emergence of crime narratives in the film trilogy Comic 8 by Anggy Umbara.
The results of the research show that actions that lead to criminal acts of characters in the scenes dominate compared to criminality without action which is only through verbal speech. The first sequel shows the involvement of the characters and their respective characters in carrying out their roles in a setting until the plot of the story progresses according to the events scripted by the director involving the characters as the main narrator, so that based on narratology Chatman is classified as a closed narrator. The events in the sequel are dominated by the kernel, namely the event that is the forerunner or central to other events. This is because the first sequel is the fulcrum for the start of all the events in the next sequel. Apart from that, in the first, second and third sequels there are core scenes that produce consequences in the following or previous scenes. This is supported by the existence of a mixed plot which presents a flashback plot (regressive) and a forward plot (progressive) repeatedly. Based on an analysis of crime narratives in the three films Comic 8, Several scenes of visible deviation were found, like in a film Comic 8 The first sequel shows that there are 6 scenes that are classified as individual deviations, 7 scenes of situational deviations, and 6 scenes of systematic deviations. Then the second sequel shows that there are 6 scenes classified as individual deviations, 4 scenes of situational deviations, and 5 scenes of systematic deviations. The third sequel shows that there are 2 scenes that are classified as individual deviations, 8 scenes of situational deviations, and 6 scenes of systematic deviations.
Keywords: Crime Narratives, Films, Naratocriminology Studies