This study aims to develop a student worksheet based on scientific approach
in Automation and Staff Governance subjects in SMKN 2 Buduran, assessing the
feasibility of the LKPD, and knowing the responses of students to the developed
LKPD. LKPD contains material and assignments based on the scientific approach
in accordance with the 2017 revised 2013 curriculum to be able to help students
understand the material and improve learning activities of students during the
learning process.
The research method used is Research and Development (R&D) with the
development model of Thiagarajan, four-D which consists of four stages, namely
define, design, develop, and diseminate. However, the diseminate stage was not
carried out because of the limitations of the researchers. The study was
conducted at SMKN 2 Buduran towards 18 students of XI OTKP 2.
The results of the study, the LKPD based on the scientific approach was
developed in accordance with the syllabus of Automation and Staff Governance
using the 4-D development model namely define, design, develop, and diseminate.
However, the diseminate stage was not carried out because of the limitations of
the researchers.. The results of expert validation on the feasibility of the
LKPD showed that the component of content eligibility obtained a score of
84,4%, the feasibility of presentation was 90,6 %, the feasibility of language
was 95,7%, the feasibility of graphics was 92%. The total overall results of
expert validation are 90,7% with very strong criteria. Based on the results of
LKPD developmental testing on students, the score was 82,7% with very good
criteria. This shows that the LKPD that has been developed is feasible and
ready to be used as a learning device.