The Effect of Steam Learning (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and
Mathematic) Using Loose Parts Materials on the Language Skills of
Children 5-6 Years Old
Name : Dewi Safitri
Number Registration : 20010684075
Study Program : S-1
Departement : Teacher Education for Early Chilhood
Faculty : Faculty of Education
Institution : State University of Surabaya
Lecturer/Supervisor : Nur Ika Sari Rakhmawati, S.Pd.,
The background of this study is the lack of maximum language skills in
children aged 5-6 years in several kindergarten schools in Surabaya. This is
due to the lack of stimulus that can encourage children to be more active in
voicing their opinions both during learning and outside the classroom.
Whereas language skills are needed by children so that they can
communicate whatever they want in everyday life. At school, teachers as
educators have not implemented other learning methods that are more
effective for child development, including STEAM learning. In addition,
teachers also do not utilize learning media from the surrounding
environment. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of
STEAM learning using loosepart materials on language skills in children
aged 5-6 years. This study uses a quantitative approach using a Quasi
Experimental Design design. The subjects in this study were students aged
5-6 years in Sawahan sub-district, Surabaya City, totaling 54 students
who were divided into experimental groups and control groups. Data
collection was carried out through observation activities. To ensure the
validity of the data, item validity testing was carried out using Pearson
Product Moment and consistency testing using the Cronbach Alpha
reliability test. Data analysis in this study used a paired T test which aims
to compare the average values in the same two groups to have a significant
difference or not, with the condition that if the sig. value is less than 0.005,
the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and the null hypothesis (H0) is
rejected, and vice versa. The paired T test of this study shows a sig. value of
0.000 (<0.005) The results of this study indicate that there is a significant
effect of STEAM learning using looseparts materials on the language skills
of children aged 5-6 years.
Keywords: STEAM-based learning, Loose Parts, Numeracy Skills