Pengembangan Alat Peraga Sensor Flowmeter berbasis Arduino untuk Mengukur Debit Air
Development of Arduino-based Flowmeter Sensor Props for Measuring Water Flow in Dynamic Fluid Materials
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan validitas alat sensor flowmeter berbasis Arduino untuk mengukur aliran air pada material fluida dinamis, serta kesesuaian alat peraga sensor flowmeter berbasis Arduino untuk mengukur debit air pada materi fluida dinamis serta kesesuaian alat sensor flowmeter berbasis Arduino untuk mengukur aliran air pada material fluida dinamis dibandingkan dengan teori prinsip kontinuitas. Penelitian pengembangan dengan menggunakan metode penelitian ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). Validitas alat peraga sensor flowmeter berbasis Arduino ditentukan oleh hasil validator dosen ahli serta ketepatan hasil pengujian atau taraf ketelitian menggunakan alat peraga. Perhitungan akurasi digunakan untuk menilai kesesuaian penerapan sensor flowmeter berbasis Arduino untuk teori tersebut. Berdasarkan pada data yang telah diperoleh, hasil validasi dan tingkat akurasi alat peraga memiliki presentase ≥61%, maka tingkat validitas alat peraga sensor flowmeter berbasis arduino untuk mengukur debit air termasuk dalam kategori sangat baik. Validasi alat peraga menghasilkan persentase sebesar 93,1%, sedangkan data eksperimen menggunakan alat peraga sensor flowmeter berbasis Arduino menghasilkan tingkat akurasi rata-rata 99,19%. Sedangkan ketepatan alat peraga terhadap konsep teori azas kontinuitas diperoleh dilai akurasi rata-rata 98,12%. Dengan diadakannya kegiatan praktikum ini siswa dapat lebih memahami konsep dan meningkatkan berpikir kritis siswa. Mengingat selama kegiatan praktikum, siswa dituntut untuk memecahkan suatu masalah. Keakuratan alat peraga termasuk dalam kategori sangat baik pada skala interpretasi.
Kata Kunci: Debit Air, Sensor Flowmeter, Fluida Dinamis
The purpose of this study is to describe the validity of an Arduino-based flowmeter sensor tool to measure water flow in dynamic fluid materials, as well as the suitability of an Arduino-based flowmeter sensor tool to measure water flow in dynamic fluid materials compared to the theory of continuity principles. Development research using the ADDIE model is the method used (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). The validity of the Arduino-based flowmeter sensor is determined by the results of a professional lecturer validator and the accuracy of the test results or the level of accuracy using teaching aids. The accuracy calculation was used to assess the suitability of the Arduino-based flowmeter sensor application for the theory. Based on the data that has been obtained, the validation results, and the accuracy level of the teaching aid have a percentage of 61%, so the validity level of the Arduino-based flowmeter sensor for measuring water flow is included in the very good category. The validation of teaching aids resulted in a percentage of 93.1%, while experimental data using an Arduino-based flowmeter sensor resulted in an average accuracy rate of 99.19%. Meanwhile, the accuracy of teaching aids to the concept of continuity principle was obtained with an average accuracy rating of 98.12%. By holding this practicum activity, students can better understand the concept and improve students' critical thinking. Given that during practical activities, students are required to solve a problem . The accuracy of teaching aids is included in the very good category on the interpretation scale.
Keywords: Water Discharge, Flowmeter Sensor, Dynamic Fluid