Pembuatan nugget ayam dengan penambahan puree ubi jalar ungu dan udang
Chicken nugget with the addition of purple sweet potato and shrimp
Nugget ayam tambahan puree ubi jalar ungu dan udang adalah inovasi nugget yang terbuat dari daging ayam, ubi jalar ungu, udang dan bumbu-bumbu. Eksperimen ini bertujuan mengetahui: 1) mutu uji sensoris terbaik: 2) kandungan gizi yaitu Protein, Lemak, Karbohidrat, Antioksidan, Serat; dan 3) harga jual per 250 gram. Metode penelitian menggunakan eksperimen melakukan 2 kali uji coba menentukan uji sensoris terbaik. Teknik pengambilan data melalui uji sensoris menggunakan instrumen 30 panelis. Teknik analisis data dengan analisis deskriptif kuantitatif persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: 1) hasil uji sensoris warna 22 (69%) ungu muda, 8 (25%) ungu dan 2 (6%) tidak ungu, bentuk 16 (53%) berbentuk love, 14 (47%) kurang sempurna, aroma 21 (70%) beraroma khas perpaduan ayam dan ubi jalar ungu, 7 (23%) perpaduan ayam dan udang, 2 (7%) kurang beraroma udang dan ubi jalar ungu, rasa 20 (67%) cukup gurih perpaduan ayam udang dan sedikit manis rasa ubi jalar ungu, 9 (30%) gurih perpaduan ayam, udang, 2 (3%) manis tidak gurih terasa ubi jalar ungu. Tekstur 18 (60%) lembut kenyal padat 12 (40%) padat; 2) hasil uji laboratorium kandungan per 100 gram; Protein 12,83%, Karbohidrat 36,56%, Lemak 6,05%, Antioksidan 92,88%, Serat 3,22%; 3) Harga jual per 250 gram adalahRp 36.800.
Chicken nugget with addition of purple sweet potato puree and shrimp are innovtive nuggets made from chicken meat, purple sweet potato and shrimp and spices. the experiment aimed to determine: 1) the best sensory test quality; 2) nutritional content, namely protein, fat. carbohydrate, antioxidant, fiber; and 3) selling price 250 grams. research method used experiments to conduct 2 trials to determine best sensory test. data collection techniques through sensory tests using instrument 30 panelists. data anlysis technique with quantitative descriptive alaysis of percentages. results showed: 1)color sensory test results 22 (69%) light purple, 8 (25%) purple and2 (6%) not purple, shape 16 (53%) loved shaped, 14 (47%) less perfect, aroma 21 (70%) smells combination of chicken and purple sweet potato, 7 (23%) combination of chickn nd shrimp. 2 (7%) less flavorful shrimp and purple sweet potato, taste 20 (67%) moderately savory combination of chicken, shrimp, 2 (3%) sweet not savory purple sweet potato. texture 18 (60%) soft chewy solid 12 (40%) solid; 2) laboratory test results content 100 grams; protein 12.83%, carbohydrate 36.56%, ft 6.05% antioxidant 92.88%, fiber 3.22%; 3) selling price 250% grams IDR 36.000