ISPA merupakan salah satu penyakit pernafasan yang menular melalui airbone akibat virus dan bakteri. Pencegahan menggunakan masker medis perlu dikembangkan mengingat kebutuhan bagi pasien, tenaga medis maupun orang lain. Umumnya bahan pelapis masker terbuat dari polimer yang sulit terurai sehingga pemanfaatan selulosa asetat cocofiber yang berlimpah dapat berpotensi sebagai pengganti filter maker medis dengan Polylactic Acid (PLA). Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu menganalisis kandungan selulosa asetat (SA) cocofiber hasil sintesis; morfologi dan ukuran pori nanofiber PLA-SA; serta efektivitas antibakteri nanofiber terhadap S. aureus. Selulosa asetat dari cocofiber dilakukan dengan sintesis selulosa melalui tahap delignifikasi dan bleaching dilanjutkan proses asetilasi. Hasil sintesis dikarakterisasi FTIR dan kadar asetil. Persiapan larutan nanofiber dipersiapkan sebanyak 6 wt% dengan variasi perbandingan PLA-SA 9,5:0,5; 9,0:1,0; dan 8,5:1,5 dilarutkan pada rasio volume DCM:DMF (7:3). Hasil penelitian menjelaskan penggunaan konsentrasi bleaching 4% telah memiliki kesesuaian dengan kadar asetil komersial hingga perolehan gugus fungsi teridentifikasi adanya selulosa asetat. Morfologi permukaan nanofiber menunjukkan terbentuknya serat berukuran nano, dimana ukuran pori dengan porositas terendah sebesar 56% pada rasio 8,5:1,5. Nanofiber PLA-SA sebagai filter masker dibutuhkan ukuran diameter serat terkait filtrasi udara dan ukuran pori yang mampu menghambat partikel seukuran bakteri. Sebagai filter medis, nanofiber PLA-SA dapat menghambat bakteri S. aureus sebesar 43% pada rasio berat 8,5:1,5.
Kata kunci: Cocofiber, Selulosa Asetat, Electrospinning, Filter Masker Medis
ISPA is a respiratory disease that is transmitted via airborne due to viruses and bacteria. Prevention of using medical masks needs to be developed considering the needs of patients, medical personnel and other people. In general, mask coating materials are made of polymers that are difficult to decompose, so that the abundant use of cellulose acetate cocofiber can potentially replace medical filter makers with PLA. The purpose of this study was to analyze the cellulose acetate (SA) content of the synthesized cocofiber; morphology and pore size of PLA-SA nanofibers; as well as the antibacterial effectiveness of nanofiber against S. aureus. Cellulose acetate from cocofiber is carried out by synthesizing cellulose through the delignification and bleaching stages followed by the acetylation process. Synthesis results were characterized by FTIR and acetyl levels. Preparation of nanofiber solution was prepared as much as 6 wt% with variations in the PLA-SA ratio of 9.5:0.5; 9.0:1.0; and 8.5:0.5 dissolved in the DCM:DMF ratio volume (7:3). The results of the use of 4% bleaching concentration had compatibility with commercial acetyl levels so that the functional groups obtained identified the presence of cellulose acetate. The surface morphology of the nanofiber shows the formation of nano-sized fibers, where the pore size with the lowest porosity is 57% at a ratio of 8.5:0.5. PLA-SA nanofiber as a filter mask requires a fiber diameter size related to air filtration and a pore size that can inhibit particles as large as bacteria. As a medical filter, PLA-SA nanofiber can inhibit S. aureus bacteria by 43% with a weight ratio of 8.5:1.5.
Keywords: Cocofiber, Cellulose Acetate, Electrospinning, Medical Filter Mask