Inovasi Pembuatan Kue Keranjang dengan Penambahan Puree Umbi Bit (Beta Vulgaris L.) dan Variasi Isian Kismis Sebagai Obyek Usaha
The Innovation in Making Kue Keranjang with the Addition of Beetroot Puree (Beta Vulgaris L.) and Raisin Filling Variations as Business Objects
Kue Keranjang atau biasa disebut Nian Gao merupakan kue khas saat perayaan tahun baru Imlek. Kue keranjang adalah makanan khas imlek berwarna coklat terbuat dari tepung ketan, air, dan gula, serta bertekstur kenyal dan lengket. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sifat organoleptik kue keranjang dengan penambahan puree umbi bit dan variasi isian kismis meliputi warna, aroma, tekstur, rasa, tingkat kesukaan secara keseluruhan produk, sifat kimiawi, serta biaya bahan baku produksi sehingga dapat menjadi salah satu alternatif obyek usaha.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif. Jumlah penambahan puree umbi bit yaitu 100 gr, dan kismis 25 gr yang dibentuk menjadi 2 layer. Layer 1 penambahan puree umbi bit dan Layer 2 penambahan variasi isian kismis. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi melalui uji organoleptik dengan jumlah panelis 30 orang dan uji sifat kimiawi meliputi protein, karbohidrat, lemak, abu, serat, antosianin dan antioksidan. Data uji organoleptik yang meliputi warna, aroma, rasa, tekstur, tingkat kesukaan secara keseluruhan produk dianalisis menggunakan deskriptif kuantitatif dengan persentase.Hasil penelitian kue keranjang dengan penambahan puree umbi bit dan variasi isian kismis menunjukkan 1) Sifat organoleptik warna merah tua, beraroma khas kue keranjang, beraroma kismis, dan tidak beraroma umbi bit, rasa manis, gurih, berasa kismis, dan tidak berasa umbi bit, tekstur kenyal, tidak lembek, dan berasa kismis serta tingkat kesukaan dengan kriteria suka, 2) Sifat kimiawi per 100 gr menunjukkan karbohidrat 48,05%, protein 11,60%, lemak 9,86%, kadar air 29,10%, abu 1,38%, serat 1,40%, antosianin 21,88 mg, dan antioksidan 86,50 mg, 3) Biaya bahan baku diketahui sebesar Rp 26.900/100 gr.
Kue keranjang or commonly called Nian Gao is a seasonal cake during Chinese New Year celebrations. Kue Keranjang is a typical Chinese New Year food, its color is brown, made from glutinous rice flour, water and sugar, and has a chewy and sticky texture. This study aims to determine the organoleptic properties of kue keranjang with the addition of beetroot puree and various raisin fillings including color, flavor, texture, taste, overall product preference level, chemical properties, and production raw material costs so that it can be an alternative business object. This research is a descriptive research. The amount of addition of beetroot puree is 100 grams, and 25 grams of raisins which are formed into 2 layers. Layer 1 added beetroot puree and Layer 2 added raisin filling variations. The data collection method used the observation method through organoleptic tests with a total of 30 panelists and chemical properties tests included protein, carbohydrates, fat, ash, fiber, anthocyanins and antioxidants. Organoleptic test data which includes color, flavor, taste, texture, overall preference level of the product were analyzed using quantitative descriptive with percentage. The results of research on kue keranjang with the addition of beetroot puree and various raisin fillings showed 1) Organoleptic properties of dark red color, it has distinctive flavor of kue keranjang, raisin flavor and no beetroot flavor, sweet, savory taste, raisin taste, and no beetroot taste. The texture is chewy, not mushy, and has a raisin taste and level of preference with liking criteria, 2) Chemical properties per 100 gr show carbohydrates 48.05%, protein 11.60%, fat 9.86%, moisture content 29.10%, ash 1.38%, fiber 1.40%, anthocyanins 21.88 mg, and antioxidants 86.50 mg, 3) The cost of raw materials is known to be IDR 26,900/100 gr.