Perancangan User Interface / User Experience Berbasis Mobile dengan Pendekatan Design Thinking
User Interface / User Experience Design Mobile Based with Design Thinking Approach
One of the comprehensive problems in SMA Intensif Taruna Pembangunan Surabaya is the lack of integrative literacy activities. Therefore, this study aims to design UI/UX, application as one of the efforts to improve the literacy movement in SMA Intensif Taruna Pembangunan Surabaya. The method used is design thinking with five stages: emphasize, define, design, prototype, and testing. Some of the views or features designed are the onboarding screen, sign-up page, log-in page, dashboard page, explore page, library page, class page, and profile page. The application is effective for improving GLS in SMA ITP based on the test results. The application is a stimulus given to students to interpret literacy as an activity that is interesting, fun, and close to technology.