Tuturan yang mengandung efek atau pengaruh pada petutur disebut tindak tutur perlokusi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tentang (1) bentuk tindak tutur perlokusi yang digunakan oleh kelima tokoh utama dalam drama Meteor Garden 《流星花园》 2018 Episode 1-10 Karya Lin Helong dan (2) reaksi yang timbul pada petutur terhadap tuturan perlokusi dalam drama Meteor Garden 《流星花园》 2018 Episode 1-10 Karya Lin Helong berdasarkan prinsip kerjasama. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode desktiptif kualitatif karena data yang diteliti berupa tuturan kelima tokoh utama dalam drama Meteor Garden 《流星花园》 2018. Penyajian data berupa tabel kemudian peneliti mendeskripsikan tuturan yang mengandung tindak tutur perlokusi dan reaksi pada petutur berdasarkan prinsip kerjasama. Berdasarkan pemaparan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan ditemukan tiga jenis tindak tutur perlokusi dengan jumlah 58 data. Ketiga jenis tindak tutur perlokusi tersebut adalah mendorong petutur mempelajari bahwa (19 data), membuat petutur melakukan (16 data), dan membuat petutur memikirkan tentang (23 data). Selanjutnya reaksi yang timbul pada petutur terbagi menjadi dua yaitu reaksi verbal dan reaksi non verbal. Reaksi yang ditunjukkan petutur jika ditinjau berdasarkan prinsip kerjasama, sebagian besar telah memenuhi maksim relevansi dan melanggar maksim pelaksanaan
Speech that has an effect or influence on the listener is called perlocutionary speech act. The aim of this research is to describe (1) Type of perlocutionary speech act used by the five main characters in the drama Meteor Garden 2018 Episode 1-10 by Lin Helong and (2) reaction that arises in the listener of the perlocutinary speech act in the drama Meteor Garden 2018 Episode 1-10 by Lin Helong based on the cooperative principle. This research used a qualitative descriptive method because the data examined were speeches of the five main characters in the drama Meteor Garden 2018. The presentation of data is in the form of a table, afterward the researcher described speech that contained perlocutionary speech act and reaction to the listener based on the cooperative principle. Based on the explanation of the results of research and discussion, it is found three types of perlocutionary speech act with the amount of 58 data. Those three types of perlocutionary speech act are to encourage the audience learning that (19 data), to make the audience doing (16 data), and to make the audience thinking about (23 data). Furthermore, the reactions that arise in the listener are divided into two, namely verbal reactions and non-verbal reactions. The reactions shown by the listener when viewed based on the cooperative principle have mostly met the maxim of relevance and contravene maxim of manner.