The Effectiveness of Monitoring and Evaluation of Workload Analysis in the Planning, Performance Reporting and Bureaucratic Reform Work Team of the Organizational Section of the Regional Secretariat of the City of Surabaya.
Analisis beban kerja merupakan proses manajemen yang dilakukan untuk memperoleh informasi tentang kebutuhan pegawai. Monitoring dan Evaluasi Analisis Beban Kerja (Monev ABK) merupakan salah satu bagian dari tahapan abk di Bagian Organisasi Sekda Surabaya. Terdapat permasalahan Monev ABK diantaranya kekosongan pegawai dan pelaksanaan Monev ABK yang tetap berjalan meskipun tidak ada pegawai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai efektivitas Monev ABK pada Tim Kerja Perencanaan, Pelaporan Kinerja dan Reformasi Birokrasi. Metode yang digunakan kualitatif deskriptif. Fokus penelitian ini tahapan teknik ABK Permenpan RB No. 1 Tahun 2020, serta teori Efektivitas dari Hessel Nogi S. Tangkilisan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pengumpulan data telah bersifat digital pada aplikasi ABK2023. Aspek-aspek dalam perhitungan ABK terkait waktu kerja terjadi perbedaan jam kerja efektif dari 75.000 menit/tahun menjadi 103.000 menit/tahun berdasarkan Keputusan Wali Kota Surabaya No. 88 Tahun 2024 tentang ABK. Tugas pertugas jabatan merupakan metode perhitungan Bagian Organisasi, penggunaan jam kerja efektif sebesar 103.000 menit/tahun terjadi perbedaan jumlah kebutuhan pegawai antara hasil dari perhitungan ABK ideal yang berjumlah 4 pegawai dengan ABK berlebih yang menjadi 2 pegawai pada jabatan Analis Tata Laksana. Pencapaian target dalam menilai efektifitas Monev ABK ditunjukkan dengan hasil isian monev pada Aplikasi tercapai dengan baik meskipun terjadi kekosongan pegawai. Kemampuan Adaptasi tidak berjalan dengan baik dikarenakan presentase hasil monev menunjukkan 20%-35%. Kepuasan kerja yang terganggu dikarenakan beban kerja berlebih dampak dari kekosongan pegawai. Tanggung jawab dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan SDM yang ada untuk menutupi kekosongan pegawai secara berkala. Saran yang diajukan disegerakan rekruitmen pegawai, penyamarataan beban kerja pada jabatan yang tidak memiliki pegawai.
Kata Kunci: Analisis Beban Kerja, Monitoring dan Evaluasi, Efektivitas
Workload analysis is a management process that is carried out to obtain information about employee needs. Monitoring and Evaluation of Workload Analysis (Monev ABK) is one part of the crew stages in the Organizational Section of the Surabaya Regional Secretary. There are problems with Monev ABK including the vacancy of employees and the implementation of Monev ABK which continues to run even though there are no employees. This study aims to assess the effectiveness of Monev ABK in the Planning, Performance Reporting and Bureaucratic Reform Work Team. The method used is qualitative descriptive. The focus of this research is the technical stage of ABK Permenpan RB No. 1 of 2020, as well as the theory of Effectiveness from Hessel Nogi S. Tangkilisan. The results of the study show that data collection has been digital in ABK2023 application. Aspects in the calculation of crew members related to working time there is a difference in effective working hours from 75,000 minutes/year to 103,000 minutes/year based on the Decree of the Mayor of Surabaya No. 88 of 2024 concerning crew members. The duties of the position officer are a calculation method for the Organizational Section, the use of effective working hours of 103,000 minutes/year there is a difference in the number of employee needs between the results of the calculation of the ideal crew of 4 employees and the excess crew which becomes 2 employees in the position of Administrative Analyst. The achievement of the target in assessing the effectiveness of the ABK Monev is shown by the results of filling in the monev on the Application well achieved even though there is a vacancy of employees. Adaptability did not go well because the percentage of monev results showed 20%-35%. Disrupted job satisfaction due to excessive workload due to employee vacancies. Responsibilities are carried out by utilizing existing human resources to cover employee vacancies on a regular basis. The suggestions submitted are expedited employee recruitment, equalization of workload in positions that do not have employees.
Keywords: Workload Analysis, Monitoring and Evaluation, Effectiveness