Brownies dengan subtitusi tepung tempe menjes merupakan jenis makanan yang disukai oleh semua kalangan. Tempe menjes memiliki kandungan serat yang tinggi sebesar 4,69g/100g namun pemanfaatannya yang masih terbatas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) tingkat kesukaan panelis terhadap aroma, pori-pori, warna, tekstur dan rasa brownies (2) kandungan gizi brownies per 100g (3) harga jual brownies per box.
Jenis penelitian ini adalah eksperimen dengan metode rekayasa yang dilakukan selama 3 kali di Laboratorium Bakery Pastry Fakultas Teknik Unesa. Penambahan tepung tempe menjes sebanyak 63g. Pengambilan data menggunakan lembar observasi dengan jumlah panelis sebanyak 30 orang. Uji kandungan terhadap karbohidrat, protein, lemak, serat dan daya simpan dilakukan menggunakan Uji laboratorium.
Hasil rekayasa menunjukkan tingkat kesukaan brownies tepung tempe menjes terhadap warna 97% (suka) pori-pori 70% (suka) aroma 93% (suka) tekstur 80% (suka) rasa 83%(suka). Brownies subtitusi tepung tempe menjes memiliki kandungan protein 11,72%, lemak 7,88%, karbohidrat 48,96%, serat 2,11%, air 27,10 % serta daya simpan 5 hari. Harga jual brownies tempe menjes sebesar Rp. 32.500/box, lebih murah dibandingkan brownies original yang dijual di pasaran sebesar Rp.50.000 – Rp. 75.000/ box.
Katakunci: brownies, tepung tempe menjes
Brownies with tempeh menjes flour substitute is a type of food that is liked by all circles. Tempe menjes has a high fiber content of 4.69g / 100g but its utilization is still limited. The purpose of this research is to know: (1) the level of panelists' preference for smells, pores, color, texture and taste of brownies (2) the nutritional content of brownies per 100g (3) the selling price of brownies per box.
This type of research is an experiment with an engineering method carried out for 3 times in the Bakery Pastry Laboratory of the Faculty of Engineering, Unesa. The addition of tempe flour is as much as 63g. Retrieval of data using observation sheets with the number of panelists as many as 30 people. The content test for carbohydrates, proteins, fats, fiber and storability is carried out using laboratory tests.
The results showed that the level of temptation of brownies tempe floures to color 97% (likes) pores 70% (likes) smells 93% (likes) texture 80% (likes) taste 83% (likes). Tempeh menjes flour substitution brownies have 11.72% protein content, 7.88% fat, 48.96% carbohydrate, 2.11% fiber, 27.10% water and 5 days shelf life. The selling price of tempe brownies is Rp. 32,500 / box, cheaper than the original brownies sold in the market for Rp.50,000 - Rp. 75,000 / box.
Keywords: brownies, tempe menjes flour