Berdasarkan observasi di lapangan proses penakaran masih menggunakan tenaga tangan manusia sebagaioperator buka tutup katup (valve). Keadaan ini menyebabkan permasalahan yaitu semakin cepatmelemahnya tenaga operator, kecepatan valve tidak stabil, ukuran takaran sering berubah-ubah (error), danperlu keahlian khusus agar lebih akurat. Tujuan penelitian yaitu merancang mekanisme valve denganvariasi swing dan sleeding pada mesin filler sistem gravitasi, menggunakan metode Reseacrh andDevelopment (R&D) dengan tahapan rancangan, meliputi: study literatur dan observasi di lapangan, desainkonsep valve, menghitung elemen-elemen mesin, menggambar detail, simulasi desain, mendesain sistemkontrol, analisa kinerja mekanisme valve pada mesin filler berdasarkan desain. Hasil rancanganmenghasilkan mekanisme valve sleeding berbasis rotasi to translasi dengan dimensi pipa output hooper (Ø= 101,6 mm, tebal = 3 mm), jenis material = stainless steel dan spesifikasi penggerak menggunakan motorlistrik DC 108 watt, kecepatan n = 300 rpm. Mekanisme valve sleeding pada penggerak membentuk sudutbusur θ° = 180° derajat menghasilkan gerak translasi valve (L) = 101.6 mm. desain sistem kontrol terdiridari bagian input 1 = push button, input 2 = sensor valve tutup, input 3 = sensor valve buka, input 4 =strain gate (timbangan). Prosesor menggunakan Arduino, bagian output = motor Listrik 24V, indikatorhijau dan merah. Kinerja mekanisme valve sleeding pada mesin filler berdasarkan pengisian beras 3 kgbasis simulasi yaitu membutuhkan waktu = 2.65 detik, dari kepresisian menimbang nilai error penakaran =0,048 kg, di nilai dari efektivitas dapat mengurangi kelelahan operator dalam mengoperasikan yaitu dengansatu ketukan tombol dapat sekaligus mengisi dan menakar dengan error timbangan setiap pengisian ≤ 0.09kg.
Kata Kunci: Mesin Filler, Mekanisme Valve Pengisian Butiran, Material Beras
Based on field observations, the dosing process still uses human hand power as the operator to open andclose the valve (valve). This situation causes problems, namely the rapid decline in operator power,unstable valve speed, frequent changes in size (error), and special skills are needed to be more accurate.The research objective is to design a valve mechanism with swing and sleeding variations on a gravityfiller engine, using the Research and Development (R&D) method with design stages, including:literature study and field observations, valve concept design, calculating engine elements, drawingdetails. , design simulation, control system design, valve mechanism performance analysis on fillermachine based on the design. The result of the design resulted in a valve sleeding mechanism based onrotation to translation with the dimensions of the hooper output pipe (Ø = 101.6 mm, thickness = 3 mm),type of material = stainless steel and specification of driving using a 108 watt DC electric motor, speed n= 300 rpm. The valve sleeding mechanism on the drive forms an arc angle of θ ° = 180 ° degreesresulting in valve translation motion (L) = 101.6 mm. The control system design consists of input 1 =push button, input 2 = closed valve sensor, input 3 = open valve sensor, input 4 = strain gate (scale). Theprocessor uses an Arduino, the output part = 24V Electric motor, green and red indicators. Theperformance of the valve sleeding mechanism on a filler machine based on 3 kg rice filling on asimulation basis, which takes time = 2.65 seconds, from the precision weighing the dosing error value =0.048 kg, the value of effectiveness can reduce operator fatigue in operating, namely with one tap of abutton it can simultaneously fill and fill. measuring with a balance error per filling ≤ 0.09 kg.Keywords: filler machine. Granule filling valve mechanism, rice.