Key words : Saronen music, Gaya Putra, Juluk Sumenep Madura
The background of the research is that there is a characteristic possessed by the Gaya Putra art group in Juluk Sumenep Madura village with its musical patterns, melodic, rhythmic patterns and forms of performance. There is a uniqueness in musical instruments and playing them. The formulation of the problem in this study includes the form of performance, function and strategy of inheritance. This study uses ethnomusicological theory with a review of musicology and ethnography. This type of research uses qualitative research with data collection methods in the form of observations, interviews, recordings and data studies. This method was used to observe the research subject, namely the personnel of the Saronen music player, Gaya Putra, while the supporting data were obtained from the performance documentation. Furthermore, the collected data were analyzed musicologically and ethnographically.
The results of the study are as follows, the form of the Saronen music performance of the Gaya Putra art group for the players has different backgrounds, this creates unique colors and musical concepts, the instruments owned by the Saronen music of the Gaya Putra art group have the most important role in every performance played, so also in the fashion that has the meaning of identity in the music of Saronen, the male style art group, this can also be seen from the musical characteristics found in the melody, rhythmic and harmony which have a characteristic of this group. The majority of the people are farmers who have talent in developing Saronen music, both in terms of performances and instruments. The functions of Saronen Gaya Putra music are entertainment, communication, physical, social response, religious rituals, cultural stability, solidarity and economic growth. The inheritance strategy carried out by the Saronen music player in the Gaya Putra art group is that there are three strategies including the direct inheritance strategy from parents or relatives, peers and school agencies or institutions.