Elza Pristikasari. 2022. . Implementation
Of Nature Based Learning With Loose Parts To Improve Cognitive An With Loose Parts
To Improve In Group A Children In Kindergarten Kusuma Mulia Bakalan, Grogol
District Kediri , Tesis, Program
Studi Pendidikan Dasar Konsentrasi Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, Program
Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Pembimbing: State University of Surabaya.
Advisors: (1) (1) Prof. Dr. Mustaji, M.Pd., M.Si., and (II) Dr. Miftakhul
Jannah, S.Psi., M.Si, Psikolog.,
Key words: Nature Based Learning, Loose Parts,
Cognitive Development, Language Development.
This study
aims to find out about nature-based learning to improve the development of
children's cognitive abilities and language skills with loose parts in group A
students at Kusuma Mulia Kindergarten, Bakalan Village before and after the
action. Taking action in the form of applying nature-based learning to improve
cognitive abilities and language skills in group A students at Kusuma Mulia
Kindergarten, Bakalan Village. Knowing whether there is an effect of cognitive
ability and language ability by using loose parts on students in group A at
Kusuma Mulia Kindergarten in Bakalan Village between before and after the
action. The formulation of the problem in this research is whether nature-based
learning with Loose parts can improve cognitive abilities in group A children
in Kusuma Mulia Kindergarten, Bakalan Village, Grogol District, Kediri Regency.
To answer the problem formulation, quantitative research was used with a sample
of 40 children, while the data obtained through observation and documentation were
then analyzed using t-test statistics with the help of SPSS 25 for windows. The
instruments used are observation sheets of children's activities and learning
observation sheets by teachers. Nature-based learning has an effect on
increasing the development of cognitive abilities and language skills in group
A children in Kusuma Mulia Kindergarten, Bakalan Village. There is a difference
in the average value in cognitive development and language development in the
experimental class, which is 2.54, which is greater than the control class,
which is 2.36 using calculations from SPSS. 25. The results of the study show
that the influence of nature-based learning has an effect on increasing the
development of cognitive abilities and language skills in group A children in
Kusuma Mulia Kindergarten, Bakalan Village.