Motif Sosial Perempuan Desa Plunturan Dalam Mengikuti Grup Reyog Putri Onggopati
Penelitian ini berangkat dari munculnya grup Reyog yang didominasi oleh perempuan khususnya di Desa
Plunturan Kabupaten Ponorogo. Meskipun demikian, sebagian masyarakat masih menganggap negative
atas peran yang dimainkan perempuan dalam kesenian Reyog. Penelitian ini berfokus untuk menelusuri
motif sosial perempuan mengikuti grup Reyog putri. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah
kualitatif. Analisis dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teori Fenomenologi Alfred Schutz tentang motif
sosial yang dibagi menjadi dua yaitu because motive dan in order to motive. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan,
because motive perempuan Desa Plunturan memilih mengikuti Reyog putri ialah secara tidak langsung
factor keluarga dan lingkungan mempengaruhi, sebelumnya sudah mempunyai bakat kepenarian,
menyukai kesenian Reyog, Reyog putri unik dan pernah mendapat komentar negative. Sedangkan in order
to motive perempuan mengikuti Reyog adalah untuk menambah pengetahuan dan pengalaman, untuk
membuktikan bahwa perempuan sanggup bermain Reyog dan tidak selemah yang difikirkan, untuk
menunjukkan bahwa Reyog putri Onggopati unik, dan untuk menyalurkan bakat.
Kata Kunci: Motif Sosial, Reyog, Perempuan
This research departs from the emergence of the Reyog group which is dominated by women, especially in
Plunturan Village, Ponorogo Regency. However, some people still think negatively of the role played by
women in the art of Reyog. This study focuses on exploring the social motives of women joining the
women's Reyog group. The method used in this research is qualitative. The analysis in this study uses
Alfred Schutz's phenomenological theory of social motives which is divided into two, namely because
motive and in order to motive. The results showed, because the motive for women in Plunturan Village to
choose to join Reyog Putri was that family and environmental factors indirectly influenced them,
previously they had dancing talent, liked Reyog art, Reyog Putri was unique and had received negative
comments. Meanwhile, in order to the motive of women following Reyog is to increase knowledge and
experience, to prove that women are able to play Reyog and are not as weak as thought, to show that
Reyog, daughter of Onggopati is unique, and to channel talent..
Keywords: Social Motive, Reyog, Woman