Implementation of Simple Moving Average Method on Web-Based IDX30 Stock Price Forecast
Stock is one form of investment that is nowadays preferred by investors. BEI as the Indonesian stock facilitator has reviewed all stocks in Indonesia and selected 30 lists of the best stock names from Indonesia called IDX30. Even though it is the best stock, of course, it still has to be analyzed again before investors buy it. The ups and downs of stock prices make investors have to do analysis, among others, by forecasting the stock price. There are so many mathematical forecasting methods that have been studied before, but the most efficient is the Simple Moving Average because the formula is simple and the level of accuracy is high. This study aims to utilize the Simple Moving Average method to predict the IDX30 stock price and apply it to a web form to make it easier for investors to determine which stocks are suitable to buy in the future. The method used for this research is quantitative, by using data on closing prices of the 30 shares which are taken using the Web Scraping Technique from the official Yahoo Finance website, then processed in such a way and displayed the results and the level of accuracy. The previous studies have also used the same technique but haven't implemented it in a web form, indicating that this method is suitable for forecasting stock prices because of its high accuracy, which is around 95% -97.6%.