Dalam berinteraksi manusia sering menggunakan simbol untuk menyampaikan maksud atau perasaannya. Interaksi tersebut disebut Interaksi simbolik. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori interaksionisme Simbolik George Herbert Mead yaitu Mind Self dan Society. Rumusan penelitian (1) bagaimana tokoh menunjukan Mind dalam novel “Demian:die Geschichte von Emil Sinclair Jugend” (2) bagaimana tokoh menemukan Self dalam novel “Demian:die Geschichte von Emil Sinclair Jugend” (3) bagaimana Society dalam novel “Demian:die Geschichte von Emil Sinclair Jugend”. Dalam penelitian, peneliti menemukan proses Mind tokoh Emil Sinclair dengan tokoh lain melalui Gestur,simbol,makna dan tindakan. Mind yang di dapatkan berupa simbol selama interaksi yaitu 14 simbol. Sedangkan Self ada 2 tahap yaitu tahap menemukan jati diri dan tahap diri. Tahap persiapan dalam interaksi Emil Sinclair dengan Franz Kromer dan Max Demian. Tahap bermain dimulai saat Emil Sinclair menjadi seperti Demian dan terus mencari jati dirinya. Tahap permainan, ketika simbol Ciuman Demian dan Emil Sinclair. Tahap diri terdiri atas I dan Me, I dalam simbol Arloji, siulan, tepukan bahu, ibu jari dan pandangan,. Sedangkan tahap Me muncul pada simbol abraxas, uluran tangan, mencium, usapan, phoenix,meremas dan ciuman. Society yang ditemukan yaitu kondisi masyarakat,cara berfikir masyarakat, Konflik Sosial, Simpati,I dan Me dalam society.
Kata kunci : Interaksi Simbolik, Demian, Simbol
In humans interact often use symbols to convey meaning or feeling. The interactions are called symbolic interaction. This study uses the theory of symbolic interactionism of George Herbert Mead namely Mind Self and Society. The formulation research (1) how the character shows the Mind in the novel "Demian: die Geschichte von Emil Sinclair Jugend" (2) how character find Self in the novel "Demian: die Geschichte von Emil Sinclair Jugend" (3) how the Society in the novel "Demian: die Geschichte von Emil Sinclair Jugend". In the study, researchers found the figures Mind Emil Sinclair with other characters through gestures, symbols, meanings, and actions. The mind is in getting the form of a symbol during the interaction there are 14 symbols. Self While there are two phases of self-discovery and self stage. The preparation phase in the interaction of Emil Sinclair with Franz Kromer and Max Demian. Stage play begins when Emil Sinclair became like Demian and continue to search for her identity. Stage of the game, when the kiss symbol Demian and Emil Sinclair. Phase themselves consist of I and Me, I in Watches symbols, symbols whistle, shoulder pats symbols, symbols, and symbol thumb view. While the stage Me appears on the Abraxas symbol, the symbol of a helping hand, a symbol of a kiss, caress symbol, a symbol of the Phoenix, symbol squeeze and kiss symbol. Society found that the condition of the people, the way of thinking of society, Social Conflict, Sympathy, I and Me in society.