Name :
Defi Wulandari
Program : S1/ Language
Education and Indonsia Faculty of Language and art
University :
Surabaya State University
Advisor :
Prof. Dr.Kisyani Lasono, M. Hum
: 2019
: Conjungction, Student book
Keywords: Conjunction, student book
Student books
should have links between various sentence elements. The sentence elements are
connected through the use of a conjunction. According to some experts,
conjunctions have various types and functions. The existence of these
conjunctions is useful to clarify the reader's understanding of the contents of
the book, in this case the textbook. According to Alwi et al (1998: 440),
conjunction is a linking relationship of propositions that are expressed
explicitly by grammatical and semantic elements in the sentences that make up
the discourse.
In an effort
to achieve the general provisions of the 2008 Permendiknas number 2 in article
1 paragraph (3), this study was prepared to identify the forms and types,
functions, and frequency of conjunctions in the reading text of students of
class X revision 2016, revised XI class 2017 , and revised XII class 2018 so
that the results of the study can be used as a consideration for the author in
increasing the use of conjunctions in his book.
This study
used a qualitative approach with descriptive quantitative assistance.
Qualitative descriptive research is a research that is conducted by describing
the existing data, then the existing data analyzed does not use statistical
procedures or other forms of calculation.
The theory
used in this study is the theory put forward by (Chaer, 2008: 98) which reads
conjunctions or conjunctions are words that connect syntactic units, both
between words and words, between phrases with phrases, between clauses and
clauses , or between sentences with sentences. Conjunctions are grouped into 3
forms: Coordinative, Sub-coordinative, and Inter-Talent.
From this
study found the form of conjunctions 1) coordinative, 2) sub-coordinative, 3)
interfaith in the three books. The most coordinated conjunction types found in
the book class X1 are as many as 19 types while the class XII books are found
in 18 types and the least types are those in the text reading book class X
which is 8 types. Then the most sub-coordinate types are found in class X
books, which are 25 types while books in class XI are 24 types and class XII
books are 14 types. The most types of interfaith conjunctions found in the
reading text in class X books are 6 types, class XII books have 4 types, class
XI books have 3 types.
coordinative conjunction functions that appear in class X books have 5
functions, which include (F1, f2, f3, f4, f8) in class XI books, there are 8
functions, namely (F1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7, f8) in class XII there are 8
functions, namely (F1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7, f8).
conjunction frequency in class student text reading text (X there are 259 times
the occurrence of KO conjunctions), (XI there are 523 times KO conjunctions),
(XII there are 701 occurrences of KO conjunctions). Sub-coordinate conjunction
frequency contained in class student books (X is 267 times the emergence of SK
conjunctions), (XI there are 308 occurrences of SK SKJ conjunctions), (XII
there are 163 occurrences of SK conjunctions). The frequency of intercalms
conjunctions contained in class student books (X there are 37 times the
appearance of AK conjunctions), (XI there are 9 times the occurrence of AK
conjunctions), (XII there are 20 times the appearance of AK conjunctions).
Based on
these three things, it appears that the use of conjunctions in the 2016 revised
class X student book, 2017 revised XI, 2018 revision XII still needs to be
examined because the development is not good enough.