Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini yaitu untuk menganalisis (1) bentuk tindak tutur ilokusi direktif dalam film《所以,我和黑粉结婚了》 So, I Married An Anti Fan Karya Jīn Dì Róng (金帝荣) dan (2) jenis maksim yang mendasari respon dari tuturan ilokusi direktif dalam film 《所以,我和黑粉结婚了》So, I Married An Anti-Fan karya Jīn dì róng (金帝荣). Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber data dalam penelitian diperoleh dari tuturan seluruh tokoh yang terdapat dalam film 《所以,我和黑粉结婚了》So, I Married An Anti-Fan karya Jīn dì róng (金帝荣) berupa kutipan-kutipan dialog antar tokoh yang mengandung Tindak tutur ilokusi direktif berdasarkan teori dari Bach dan Harnish sedangkan prinsip kerjasama berdasarkan teori Grice. Pengumpulan data dilakuan dengan menggunakan teknik simak bebas libat cakap serta teknik catat. peneliti tidak terlibat langsung untuk menentukan kemunculan datanya melainkan hanya sebagai pemerhati data yang muncul. Hasil penelitian telah ditemukan 58 data yang terdiri dari 29 data tindak tutur ilokusi direktif dan 29 data prinsip kerjasama yang merupakan respon dari tindak tutur ilokusi direktif. Dalam tindak tutur ilokusi direktif, ditemukan 6 bentuk meminta, 6 bentuk bertanya, 8 bentuk memerintah, 2 bentuk melarang, 2 bentuk izin dan 5 bentuk menyarankan. Selain itu maksim-maksim yang mendasari respon dari tuturan ilokusi direktif ditemukan 6 data maksim Kualitas, 7 data maksim kuantitas, 8 data maksim hubungan, dan 8 data maksim cara.
The purpose of this research is to analyze (1) the form of directive illocutionary act in the film 所 所以 , 我 和 粉 结婚 了》 So, I Married An Anti Fan by Jīn Dì Róng (金帝荣) and (2) maxims that underlie the response of the directive illocutionary speech act in the film 所 所以 , 我 和 黑 粉 结婚 了》 So, I Married An Anti-Fan by Jīn dì róng (金帝荣). The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. The Source of this research data were obtained from speech of all the characters in the film 《所以 , 我 和 黑 粉 结婚 了, So, I Married to An Anti-Fan by Jīn dì róng (金帝荣) using dialogue between characters who are contain directive illocutionary speech act based on the theory of Bach and Harnish while the principle of cooperation is based on Grice's theory. Data was collected by using uninvolved conversation observation technique and note taking technique. Researchers are not directly involved in determining the emergence of data but only as observers of the data that appears. The results of the research have found 58 data consisting of 29 directive illocutionary speech act and 29 data principle of cooperation which are responses to directive illocutionary speech act. In the directive illocutionary speech act, were found 6 forms requestive, 6 forms questions, 8 forms requirements, 2 forms prohibitives, 2 forms permissives, and 5 forms advisories. In addition, the maxims that underlie the response of the directive illocutionary speech act were found 6 data maxims of Quality, 7 data maxims of quantity , 8 data maxims of relation, and 8 data maxims of manner .
The purpose of this research is to analyze (1) the form of directive illocutionary act in the film 所 所以 , 我 和 粉 结婚 了》 So, I Married An Anti Fan by Jīn Dì Róng (金帝荣) and (2) maxims that underlie the response of the directive illocutionary speech act in the film 所 所以 , 我 和 黑 粉 结婚 了》 So, I Married An Anti-Fan by Jīn dì róng (金帝荣).
The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. The Source of this research data were obtained from speech of all the characters in the film 《所以 , 我 和 黑 粉 结婚 了, So, I Married to An Anti-Fan by Jīn dì róng (金帝荣) using dialogue between characters who are contain directive illocutionary speech act based on the theory of Bach and Harnish while the principle of cooperation is based on Grice's theory. Data was collected by using uninvolved conversation observation technique and note taking technique. Researchers are not directly involved in determining the emergence of data but only as observers of the data that appears.
The results of the research have found 58 data consisting of 29 directive illocutionary speech act and 29 data principle of cooperation which are responses to directive illocutionary speech act. In the directive illocutionary speech act, were found 6 forms requestive, 6 forms questions, 8 forms requirements, 2 forms prohibitives, 2 forms permissives, and 5 forms advisories. In addition, the maxims that underlie the response of the directive illocutionary speech act were found 6 data maxims of Quality, 7 data maxims of quantity , 8 data maxims of relation, and 8 data maxims of manner .