Sistem Kendali 3D Print Pada Laboratorium Mikroprosesor Berbasis IoT
3D Print Control System in the IoT-Based Microprocessor Laboratory
Mesin cetak 3D merupakan mesin yang dapat memproses pembuatan benda padat tiga dimensi dari gambar digital yang dibuat sebelumnya dan banyak digunakan pada berbagai industri, utamanya pada tahap permodelan dan prototyping. Pemanfaatan mesin cetak ini memiliki kelebihan untuk menghemat waktu, menekan human error, dan mengurangi limbah produksi. Penambahan sistem kendali berbasis IoT pada mesin ini dapat menjadi salah satu ide untuk menambah fungsi dan daya gunanya, karena pada penelitian sebelumnya printer ini dikembangkan dengan konsep yang sama namun terdapat beberapa kekurangan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah melakukan perancangan, pembuatan, dan pengujian terhadap software dan hardware sistem kendali 3D print berbasis IoT pada laboratorium mikroprosesor. Prosedur penelitian ini meliputi persiapan, perancangan hardware dan software, pembuatan prototipe, dan pengujian alat. Alat ini dilakukan 2 jenis pengujian, pertama pengujian functional suitability dengan metode black-box testing yang dinilai dengan skala Guttman dan dihitung menggunakan matrik feature completeness. Pengujian kedua usability yang dihitung menggunakan skala Likert. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kuisioner melalui google form. Hasil penelitian yaitu, sistem ini berhasil dibuat dengan menggabungkan hardware dan software dari 3 buah sub-sistem diantaranya sistem kendali daya, sistem monitoring daya, dan sistem remote pada mesin 3D print. Selain itu, hasil pengujian functional suitability mendapatkan nilai 0.93 artinya sistem yang telah dibuat berfungsi dengan benar, diimplementasikan sesuai spesifikasi, dan fitur sesuai dengan tugasnya. Sedangkan hasil pengujian usability didapatkan nilai sebesar 95.6%, di mana masing-masing aspek yaitu, aspek Learnability dikategorikan sangat layak, aspek flexibility dikategorikan sangat layak, aspek Effectiveness dikategorikan sangat layak, dan aspek Attitude dikategorikan sangat layak.
Kata kunci: 3D print, IoT, Funtional Suitability, Usability
A 3D printing machine is a machine that can process the creation of three-dimensional solid objects from previously made digital images and is widely used in various industries, especially in the modeling and prototyping stages. The use of this printing press has the advantage of saving time, reducing human error, and reducing production waste. The addition of an IoT-based control system to this machine can be one of the ideas to increase its function and usability, because in previous research this printer was developed with the same concept but there were several drawbacks. The purpose of this research is to design, manufacture, and test the software and hardware of an IoT-based 3D print control system in a microprocessor laboratory. The research procedure includes preparation, hardware and software design, prototype making, and tool testing. This tool is carried out 2 types of testing, the first is functional suitability testing using the black-box testing method which is assessed using the Guttman scale and calculated using the feature completeness matrix. The second usability test is calculated using a Likert scale. Data collection techniques using questionnaires via google form. The results of the research are, this system was successfully created by combining hardware and software from 3 sub-systems including a power control system, a power monitoring system, and a remote system on a 3D printing machine. In addition, the results of the functional suitability test get a value of 0.93 meaning that the system that has been made functions properly, is implemented according to specifications, and features according to their duties. While the results of the usability test obtained a value of 95.6%, in which each aspect, namely, the Learnability aspect was categorized as very feasible, the flexibility aspect was categorized as very feasible, the Effectiveness aspect was categorized as very feasible, and the Attitude aspect was categorized as very feasible.
Keywords: 3D Print, IoT, Functional Suitability, Usability