Roti tawar adalah salah satu produk roti yang terbuat dari bahan tepung terigu protein tinggi, air, yeast, lemak, dan garam yang melalui proses peragian dengan ragi roti dan kemudian adonan roti dipanggang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: 1) formula roti tawar suweg; 2) harga jual roti tawar suweg. Jenis rekayasa pada produk ini adalah eksperimen dengan metode uji coba. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan lembar observasi penilaian dengan kriteria warna kulit, keserasian bentuk, rekahan dan sobekan, pori-pori, warna crumb, aroma, rasa, dan tekstur. Perhitungan harga jual dengan menggunakan harga pokok awal standart. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa : 1) roti tawar suweg memiliki warna cokelat kemerahan dan cerah dengan warna yang menunjukkan kerataan pemanggangan, bentuk roti simetris, penampang irisan membentuk seperti jamur, dan roti tidak bersudut, tidak terdapat rekahan atau sobekan pada bagian atas atau samping roti, pori-pori roti besar dan tidak rata, crumb berwarna putih tulang, roti beraroma khas terigu dan fermentasi, serta sedikit beraroma suweg, roti memiliki rasa khas terigu dan sedikit rasa suweg, serta memiliki after taste sedikit gatal pada tenggorokan, texture roti lembut, lentur dan tidak mudah hancur, mudah dikunyah dan mudah ditelan; 2) harga jual roti tawar sebesar Rp. 16.000,-/ buah.
Bread is a food product made from high protein wheat flour, water, yeast, fat, and salt which goes through a fermentation process with baker’s yeast and processing by roasting. This study aims to determine: 1) the formula for suweg bread; 2) selling price of suweg bread. The type of engineering in this product is an experiment with a trial method .Collecting data using an assessment observation sheet with criteria for skin color, shape congruence, fractures and tears, pores, crumb color, aroma, taste, and texture. The calculation of the selling price using the initial standard cost of goods. The results showed that : 1) suweg bread has a reddish brown and bright color with a color that indicates evenness of baking, the shape of the bread is symmetrical, the cross section of the slices forms like a mushroom, and the bread has no angles, there are no cracks or tears on the top or sides of the bread, the pores of the bread are quite large and uneven, the color of the bread is bone white crumb, bread has a distinctive aroma of flour and fermentation, and has a distinctive suweg aroma, bread has a distinctive taste of flour and suweg, and has a slightly scratchy after taste in the throat, the texture of the bread is soft, flexible and not easily crushed, easy to chew and easy to swallow; 2) suweg bread selling price of Rp. 16.000,-/piece.