is an important part of children's moral development that can be formed from an
early age. The age of elementary school students (SD) is considered as the
period when children get to know the outside world after the family
environment. The ability of students to take perspective or point of view
towards others is one indicator of whether the student has empathy or not. Role
Playing and Sciencecinematherapy are methods used by researchers to increase
the empathy of elementary school students. This study aims to develop and
obtain valid, practical, and effective guidance tools. The guidance tools
developed are in the form of a guidance implementation plan (RPB), Student
Reflection Sheets, and Empathy Ability Tests. The guidance tool development
model used in this research is Research and Development (R&D) developed by
Borg & Gall which includes ten stages, namely potential and problems, data
collection, product design, design validation, design revision, product trial,
product revision, trial usage, design revision, dissemination and
implementation. However, the research used six stages and no dissemination was
carried out so that the result was a final prototype of the guidance tool that
was ready to be implemented.
results showed that the guidance tools developed had high validity,
practicality, and effectiveness values. This can be seen from the opinion of
the validator, the teacher's response, the student's response, and the results
of the field test. Based on the results of field trials, guidance using role
playing and science cinematherapy can improve students' empathy skills better.
From these results, it is suggested that the aspect of empathy ability is
integrated in each subject as a charge of students' potential competencies as
guidance tools, role playing and science cinematherapy, empathy skills.