Analisis Kesulitan Membaca Permulaan di Kelas Rendah Sekolah Dasar pada Masa Pandemi Covid 19
The analysis of Early Reading Difficulties of Elementary School at Lower Grade in Covid 19 Pandemic Era
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan karakteristik kesulitan membaca permulaan dan faktor - faktor yang menyebabkan kesulitan membaca permulaan di kelas rendah sekolah dasar pada masa pandemi Covid 19. Pelaksanaan penelitian di SDS Al Muawanah Sampang. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan yaitu deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yakni observasi,wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik kesulitan membaca pada kelas rendah yakni terbalik dalam mengenal huruf, belum bisa mengeja suku kata, belum cakap dalam membaca huruf konsonan, belum cakap membaca huruf diftong dan digraf, dan membaca kata demi kata. Faktor - faktor penyebab kesulitan permulaan pada masa pandemi Covid 19 sebagai berikut. Pertama faktor internal seperti faktor jasmani,faktor intelektual, dan faktor psikologi. Kedua, faktor eksternal seperti lingkungan keluarga, lingkungan sekolah, dan lingkungan masyarakat. Ketiga, faktor kombinasi yakni disebabkan oleh gabungan dari faktor internal dan eksternal.
Kata Kunci: kesulitan membaca permulaan, pandemi Covid 19, kelas rendah, sekolah dasar.
This study aims to describe the characteristics and the factors that cause early reading difficulties in the lower grades of an elementary school during the Covid 19 pandemic. The research was carried out at SDS Al Muawanah Sampang. The type of research used was descriptive qualitative research. The data collection techniques used in this study are observation, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that the characteristics of reading difficulties in the lower class are recognizing letters in reverse, not being able to spell syllables, not being able to read consonants, not being able to read diphthongs and digraphs, and reading word for words. The factors that caused the original difficulties during the Covid 19 pandemic were as follows. First, internal factors such as physical factors, intellectual factors, and psychological factors. Second, external factors such as the family environment, school environment, and community environment. Third, the combination factor is caused by a combination of internal and external factors.
Keywords: early reading difficulties, Covid 19 pandemic, lower grades, elementary school.