Perbedaan konsep yang dimiliki siswa dengan yang telah disepakati ahli disebut miskonsepsi. Miskonsepsi terjadi di berbagai bidang termasuk pada materi tentang sel. Miskonsepsi dapat dihilangkan apabila letak miskonsepsi dapat teridentifikasi terlebih dahulu menggunakan instrumen tes miskonsepsi, salah satunya menggunakan three-tier test. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan validitas dan reliabilitas instrumen tes miskonsepsi menggunakan three-tier test pada materi sel kelas XI SMA, serta memetakan profil miskonsepsi siswa pada materi sel kelas XI SMA. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan instrumen tes miskonsepsi siswa menggunakan kombinasi three-tier test pada materi sel kelas XI SMA menggunakan model pengembangan 4 D, yaitu define (pendefinisian), design (perancangan), develop (pengembangan), dan disseminate (penyebaran). Namun tahap penyebaran tidak dilaksanakan. Uji coba tes dilakukan pada dua kelas siswa SMAN 2 Sidoarjo kelas XI sebanyak masing-masing 36 siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persentase validitas dan koefisien reliabilitas instrumen tes masing-masing sebesar 100% dan 0,73 sehingga dinyatakan sangat valid dan reliabel. Siswa mengalami miskonsepsi pada materi sel dengan rata-rata persentase miskonsepsi sebesar 26,21%. Persentase miskonsepsi tertinggi pada topik tentang osmosis sebesar 54,17% sedangkan persentase miskonsepsi terendah pada topik tentang perbedaan sel tumbuhan dan sel hewan sebesar 4,71%. Miskonsepsi disebabkan oleh faktor guru (29,43%), buku (22,45%), internet (11,87%), teman (12,57%), dan siswa (23,68%).
Kata Kunci: instrumen tes, miskonsepsi, three-tier test, sel.
The different concepts that students have with the expert agreed is called misconceptions. Misconceptions occur in various fields including in the material about cell. Misconception can be corrected if it can be identified first using a misconception test instrument, one of which uses three-tier test. This study aims to describe the validity and reliability of the student misconception test instrument using three-tier test on cell grade XI high school, anddescribe the misconceptions occur on cell grade XI high school. This research is a research of development of student misconception test instrument using three-tier test on cell grade XI high school using 4 D development model, which are define, design, develop, and disseminate, but dissaminate stage is not implemented. The test was tested in two class as many as 36 students. The results showed that the percentage of validity and reliability coefficients of the test instrument were 100%% and 0,73 respectively, which were stated to be very valid and reliable. Students experience misconception on cell with mean misconception percentage of 26,21%. The highest percentage of misconception on topics about osmosis was 54,17% while the lowest misconception percentage on topics about the difference of plant cells and animal cells was 9,72%. Misconception are caused by teachers factors (29,43%), books (22,45%), internet (11,87%), friends (12,57%), and the students (22,45%).
Keywords: test instruments, misconceptions, three-tier test, cell.