Pada pembelajaran di SMA Negeri 3 bangkalan, guru pjok cenderung meyajikan materi menggunakan model pembelajaran langsung, dimana guru lebih dominan dalam ceramah dan demonstrasi. Dalam proses pembelajaran materi permainan bolabasket guru hanya menitikberatkan siswa untuk menguasai teknik-teknik dasar, sehingga pembelajaran berpusat pada guru. Dengan cara seperti siswa lebih banyak pasif untuk menunggu giliran yang mereka gunakan untuk mengobrol dan bermain di luar konteks pembelajaran.
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengkaji: (1) Pengaruh model pembelajran TGfU terhadap Academic Learning Time materi bolabasket, (2) Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran TGT terhadap Academic Learning Time materi bolabasket, (3) Pengaruh model pembelajaran konvensional terhadap Academic Learning Time materi bolabasket.
Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan eksperimen dengan desain penelitian non randomized control group pretest-postest. Populasi siswa kelas XI SMA Negeri 3 Bangkalan, sampel menggunakan cluster random sampling dengan jumlah sampel 3 kelas (XI) dengan jumlah siswa 36. Dari ke 3 kelas tersebut kelas XI A2 diberikan perlakuan model pembelajaran TGfU, XI A3 di beri perlakuan model pembelajaran TGT, dan XI AI menggunakan model pembelajaran konvensional. Proses pengambilan data pretest dan postest dilakukan dengan mengukur academic learning time siswa menggunakan lembar observasi JWAB.
Berdasarkan uji normalitas menggunakan levene test dari ketiga kelompok model konvensional, TGfU dan TGT terdistribusi normal. Sedangkan uji homogenitas dilakukan pada ketiga kelompok sampel yang masing-masing kelompok terdiri dari 36 siswa, diperoleh hasil memiliki varian yang sama atau bersifat homogen. Langkah selanjutnya uji analisa one way anova menunjukkan bahwa nilai rata-rata mean model pembelajaran TGT, TGfU, dan konvensional, ALT TGfU memiliki nilai mean diatas rata-rata dari kesluruhan kelompok, serta ALT kontrol memiliki mean paling kecil, serta ALT TGT memiliki nilai mean lebih tinggi dari ALT kontrol namun masih dibawah rat-rata seluruh kelompok
In learning process at SMA Negeri 3 Bangkalan, for Sports Physical Education and health (PJOK) subject, teachers tend to present materials by using direct learning models, where teachers are more dominant in lectures and demonstrations. In the learning process of basketball lesson,the teacher only focuses on the students to master basic techniques, hence it is a teacher-centered learning. It causesthe students are more passive when they wait for their turn, they chat and play outside the context of learning.
The purpose of this research is to study: (1) Influence of TGfU learning model towards Academic Learning Time for Basketball material, (2) Influence of TGT Learning Model to Academic Learning Time for Basketball material, (3) Influence of conventional learning model towards Academic Learning Time for Basketball material.
Quantitative research with experimental approach with non-randomized control group pretest-postest design was used for this research. The population of class XI SMA Negeri 3 Bangkalan, was taken by using sample cluster random sampling with the number of samples 3 classes (XI) with the number of students 36. From the 3 classes class XI A2 was given treatment model learning TGfU, XI A3 was given treatment of TGT learning model, and XI AI was given conventional learning model. The process of taking pretest and posttest data were done by measuring student academic learning time by using JWAB observation sheet.
Based on the normality test by using levene test from the three groups of conventional models, TGfU and TGT were normally distributed. While homogeneity test was conducted on the three groups of samples which each group consisted of 36 students, the results obtained that they have the same or homogeneous variants. The next step of the one-way anova analysis shows that the mean value of the mean of TGT, TGfU, and conventional learning model, ALT TGfU have mean above average of the whole group, and ALT control has the smallest mean, and ALT TGT has mean value higher than ALT controls but still under the mean of the whole group