Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan membahas mengenai pengaruh product placement terhadap niat beli, pengaruh product placement terhadap sikap pada product placement, dan pengaruh sikap pada product placement terhadap niat beli. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah responden dengan usia 19 tahun ke atas yang pernah melihat iklan product placement dalam sinetron. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah non probability sampling dengan metode pengambilan sampel yaitu judgemental sampling dan diperoleh sebanyak 210 responden. Penyebaran angket secara online dengan menggunakan agree-disagree scale dan analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis jalur (path analysis). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa product placement berpengaruh signifikan terhadap niat beli dan sikap pada product placement. sikap pada product placement berpengaruh signifikan terhadap niat beli. Dan dari uji mediasi terbukti bahwa sikap pada product placement mampu memediasi pengaruh variabel product placement dengan niat beli.
Kata kunci : product placement, prominence, sikap pada product placement, niat beli
The study aims to analyze and discuss the effect of product placement on purchase intention, the effect of product placement on attitudes on product placement, and the influence of attitudes on product placement on purchase intention. The population in this study were respondents aged 19 years and over who had seen advertising product placement in soap operas. The sampling technique used is non probability sampling with a sampling method that is judgmental sampling and obtained as many as 210 respondents. Distribution of questionnaires online by using agree-disagree scale and data analysis used is path analysis.
The results show that product placement has a significant effect on purchase intention and attitude on product placement. attitude on product placement has a significant effect on purchase intention. And from the mediation test it is evident that the attitude on the product placement is able to mediate the influence of product placement variables with purchase intention.
Keywords: product placement, prominence, attitude toward product placement, purchase intention