Rosita, 202 2 . The Effect of Virtual Learning Assisted Problem Based
Learning Model on Computational Thinking in terms of Computer Aptitude of Class
X Students in Basic Programming Subjects at SMKN 2 Surabaya. Thesis, Technology
and Vocational Education Study Program, Postgraduate, State University of
Surabaya. Supervisor : (I) Prof. Dr. Ekohariadi, M.Pd. and (II) Dr. Lilik
Anifah, M.T.
Keywords: Problem Based Learning, Virtual Learning, Computational Thinking,
Computer Aptitude.
Education has increasingly complex challenges, this is marked by rapidly
developing technological developments, which in the 21st century requires
computerization in all fields. Education that is developing at this time is
certainly required to be more relevant to the needs of the community that
continues to develop following technological developments. Computational
Thinking is considered as an important competency needed to adapt to future
technologies. In this case, schools or teachers also need to apply learning
models and facilities in teaching and learning activities that lead to Computational
Thinking. The Problem Based Learning learning model is a learning approach that
applies problems in the real world as a context for practicing critical
thinking, problem solving, and gaining knowledge. By utilizing Virtual Learning
also helps students learn anywhere and anytime. In addition, with Computer
Aptitude, students find it easier to take advantage of self-development
opportunities and have great opportunities in the future.
The research objective (1) is to analyze whether the Computational Thinking
of students who are taught using the Problem Based Learning learning model
assisted by Virtual Learning is higher than students who are taught using the
Direct Learning learning model in basic programming subjects. (2) to analyze
the Computational Thinking of students with high Computer Aptitude is higher
than students with low Computer Aptitude in basic programming subjects. (3) to
analyze whether there is an interaction between the learning model and Computer
Aptitude on students' Computational Thinking in basic programming subjects.
This research is a quasi-experimental research with a 2x2 factorial
research design. In this study, there are two classes which will be compared
using two different learning models, namely the experimental class X RPL 1 with
36 students and the control class X RPL 2 with 36 students at SMKN 2 Surabaya.
The results of the research that have been carried out show that 1)
Computational Thinking of students who are taught using the Problem Based
Learning learning model assisted by Virtual Learning is higher than students
who are taught using the Direct Learning learning model in basic programming
subjects at SMKN 2 Surabaya. This is known through the average obtained from
each class, namely the experimental class taught with PBL assisted by Virtual
Learning got an average of 70.89, while the control class taught with DI
assisted Virtual Learning got an average score of 64, 47. 2) Computational
Thinking students with high Aptitude are higher than students with low Computer
Aptitude in basic programming subjects at SMKN 2 Surabaya. 3) There is an
interaction between the learning model and Computer Aptitude towards students'
Computational Thinking on basic programming subjects at SMKN 2 Surabaya. This
is known through the data obtained, Computational Thinking students with high
Computer Aptitude in the Experimental Class Problem Based Learning 76,900 >
Control class Direct Learning 65,316. Meanwhile, the low Computer Aptitude for
Problem Based Learning experimental class is 63,375 < Direct Learning
control class is 63,529.