Khoiruddin, Muhammad . 2023. The Effectiveness
of Group Counseling with Self Management Techniques to Improve Learning
Discipline in Class IX Students of MTs Roudlotul Banat Taman . Thesis,
Counseling Guidance Study Program, Postgraduate, Universitas Negeri
Surabaya . Advisor : (I) Dr. Hadi Warsito Wiryo s utomo, M.Si. , Kons .
dan (II) Prof. Dr. Najlatun Naqiyah, M. Pd .
Key Words: group counseling, self-management techniques,
and student learning discipline.
This study aims to examine the
effectiveness of group counseling with self-management techniques to improve
the learning discipline of Class IX MTs Roudlotul Banat Taman before and after
being given treatment
In this quantitative research
approach, when viewed from the quasi-experimental designs, documentation and
questionnaire data collection methods were used. This method uses eight
subjects to be observed within three months. The eight subjects each have low
learning discipline
The data for this study are the
results of the pretest and posttest which are calculated using SPSS version 25.
The data were collected using documentation techniques and distributing
questionnaires to groups with low learning discipline, and the analytical
techniques used to measure the testing of these data were validity tests,
reliability tests, normality test, homogeneity test and hypothesis testing
In line with objective (1), the results of the
study show that the results of group counseling research using self-management
techniques in improving the learning discipline of class IX students of MTs
Roudlotul Banat Taman can be concluded that the results of calculating the
average learning discipline score from before the Pretest following group counseling
services with self-management techniques is 81.5 and after Posttest
participating in group counseling services with self-management techniques
increases to 153.3 with an increased score of 71.87. From the results of the
t-test using the help of the SPSS version 25 program, that t is 16,655. Then t hitung is compared with ttable df=7, with the condition that t hitung < ttable 12,568. So that
self-management techniques are very effective for increasing the learning
discipline of class IX students of MTs Roudlotul Banat Taman