Research with the title "Fiction and Metaphorical
Style on Song Lyrics Albums 《火力 全开》 Huǒlì Quán Kāi The work (王力宏) Wánglìhóng" describes the use of diction and figurative language
style on the album song lagu (火力全开) Huǒlì quán kāi. This research is divided into
two parts namely, 1) Describe the diction contained in the song lyrics by (王力宏) Wánglìhóng in the album (火力 全开) Huǒlì quán
kāi, 2) Describe the style of language contained in the song lyrics by (王力宏) Wánglìhóng in the album (火力 全开) Huǒlì quán kāi, 2) Describe the language
style contained in the song lyrics by (王力宏) Wánglìhóng in the album (火力 全开) Huǒlì quán kāi.
This research uses a descriptive qualitative method with a
statistical analysis approach, the data contained in this study are in the form
of words, phrases and sentences that contain diction and figurative language
style, this research uses the listening method and continued with note taking
technique. The theory used in answering the formulation of problems one and two
in this study is Keraf (2010: 24) including, general, special, denotative,
connotative, abstract, concrete, scientific, popular, slang. Meanwhile, to
examine the style of language also uses theories from Keraf focused on language
style based on the direct or absence of meaning. In this case the language
style is divided into two parts, namely, theoretical language style and the
language style of languages. In this study, researchers analyzed the figurative
language styles which include, Simile, Metaphor, Allegory, Parable, Fable,
Personification, Alusi, Irony, Eponym, Epitet, Sinekdoke, Metonimia,
Antonomasia, Hypalase, Sinism, Sarcasm, Satire, Nabel, Person, Irony, Eponym,
Epithet, Sinekdoke, Metonimia, Antonomasia, Hypalase, Sinism, Sarcasm, Satire,
Nuedo, Antifrasis, Eponym, Epithet, Sinekdoke, Metonimia, Antonomasia,
Hypalase, Sinism, Sarcasm, Satire, Nuedo, Antifrasis , Even or Paronomasia.
The final
results of this study are as follows: 1) The diction contained in the song
album (火力全开) Huǒlì quán
kāi including, denotative, connotative, abstract, concrete, general, special,
and popular; 2) The style of language contained in the album song (火力全开) Huǒlì quán kāi among them, personification, simile, sinekdoke,
allegory, metaphor, epithet, antifrasis, antonomasia, inuendo and satire. The
dominating diction is connotative diction because the goal is that the listener
can listen well and clearly the meaning that states is not the actual meaning
that has an implicit meaning in the song's lyrics, whereas in the predominant
language style is the personification language style used more by the author
because it can be more show an atmosphere that lives up to seem real.
Keywords : Wanglihong, figurative
language style, diction, song lyric.