Data mining is a process of looking for interesting patterns or information in data using certain techniques or methods. By implementing data mining, supermarkets can process their transaction data into valuable information to improve their business. Two data mining methods that are often used in managing large transaction data are customer segmentation and market basket analysis. The customer segmentation method can group customers who have similar behavior into several clusters. Meanwhile, the market basket analysis method can process transaction data for each cluster into several strong rules, where these rules can be used to identify cross-selling and additional sales (up-selling) opportunities.
In this research, the data used was obtained from CV. Aloha Ponorogo in 2022 will have 997 customer data and 22,359 transaction data. The data is processed using the customer segmentation method with the k-means algorithm through the R programming language to produce 5 clusters based on the similarities in the nature and characteristics of customers with the first cluster group totaling 217 customers, the second cluster group having 209 customers, the third cluster group having 295 customers, the cluster group the fourth had 233 customers, and the fifth cluster group had 41 customers. And then, for each cluster, it was analyzed using the market basket analysis method with the Eclat algorithm with a minimum support value of 3.5% and a minimum confidence value of 10%. The results showed that each cluster had different association rules, the first cluster produced 8 association rules, the second cluster produces 4 association rules, the third cluster produces 2 association rules, the fourth cluster produces 10 association rules, and the fifth cluster produces 18 association rules.
The output from the research results of these two methods can be recommended for several product structuring results with the aim of increasing sales (up-selling) and cross-selling.
Keyword – Data Mining, Customer Segmentation, Market Basket Anaysis, K-Means, Eclat, R.