Hubungan Antara Job Satisfaction Dengan Work Engagement Pada Karyawan Di PT. X
The Relationship Between Job Satisfaction and Work Engagement In Employees At PT. X
Penelitian ini dilakukan guna mengetahui hubungan antara job satisfaction dengan work engagement pada karyawan di PT.X. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik korelasi pearson product moment dengan bantuan SPSS versi 25.0 for windows untuk mengetahui hubungan antar variabel. Subjek pada penelitian ini adalah semua karyawan di divisi porduksi yang berstatus sebagai karyawan tetap yang berjumlah 106 karyawan. Instrumen pada penelitian ini menggunakan skala Job Satisfaction Scale (JSS) dan Skala The Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES ). Hasil dari analisis data penelitian diperoleh nilai signifikansi sebesar 0,006 (p<0,05) yang artinya terdapat hubungan antara job satisfaction dengan work engagement pada karyawan di PT.X. Nilai koefisien korelasi sebesar 0,268 (r = 0,268) menunjukkan bahwa hubungan dari kedua variabel adalah searah artinya semakin tinggi skor job satisfaction maka semakin tinggi pula work engagement yang dimiliki oleh karyawan. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan tersebut maka hipotesis dalam penelitian ini diterima yang berbunyi “terdapat hubungan antara job satisfaction dengan work engagement pada karyawan di PT. X”.
Kata Kunci : Job Satisfaction, Work Engagement, Karyawan.
This research was conducted to determine the relationship between job satisfaction and work engagement among employees at PT.X. This study uses the Pearson product moment correlation technique with the help of SPSS version 25.0 for Windows to determine the relationship between variables. The subjects in this study were all employees in the production division with the status of permanent employees, totaling 106 employees. The instruments in this study used the Job Satisfaction Scale (JSS) and The Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES). The results of the research data analysis obtained a significance value of 0.006 (p <0.05), which means that there is a relationship between job satisfaction and work engagement among employees at PT.X. The correlation coefficient value is 0.268 (r = 0.268) indicating that the relationship between the two variables is unidirectional, meaning that the higher the job satisfaction score, the higher the employee's work engagement. Based on the results of these calculations, the hypothesis in this study is accepted which reads "there is a relationship between job satisfaction and work engagement among employees at PT. X".
Keywords: Job Satisfaction, Work Engagement, Employees.