The Effect of Implementing the Every Circuit Application in Basic Electricity and Electronics Subjects on the Learning Outcomes of Class X Students at SMK Negeri 1 Driyorejo
Pendidikan merupakan aspek penting dalam kehidupan. Setiap orang berhak untuk berkembang dalam dunia pendidikan. Pendidikan yang berkualitas dapat diwujudkan salah satu caranya melalui penerapan model pembelajaran yang tepat. Proses pembelajaran dengan model Project Based Learning memerlukan penggunaan aplikasi elektronik seperti Every Circuit untuk menunjang keterampilan siswa di bidang teknologi dan persaingan global yang semakin meningkat. Pada penelitian ini diperoleh hasil belajar ranah kognitif berupa hasil posttest rata-rata hasil belajar kelas eksperimen sebesar 86,38 lebih tinggi dibandingkan kelas kontrol yang hanya sebesar 75,97. Hasil belajar ranah psikomotorik pada kelas eksperimen memperoleh rata-rata sebesar 84,58, lebih tinggi dibandingkan pada kelas kontrol yang hanya memperoleh rata-rata 65,83. Sedangkan hasil belajar ranah afektif pada kelas eksperimen memperoleh rata-rata 87,4 dan kelas kontrol 80,86. . Berdasarkan Uji N-Gain Score pada kelas eksperimen diperoleh nilai sebesar 0,7459 yang berarti g > 0,7 sehingga dapat dikategorikan pembelajaran menggunakan penerapan aplikasi every rangkaian pada kategori tinggi. Hasil analisis angket respon siswa yang diberikan pada kelas eksperimen yang berjumlah 36 siswa pada saat pembelajaran selesai memperoleh rata-rata respon sebesar 90,1% yang menunjukkan bahwa respon tersebut sangat tertarik untuk melaksanakan pembelajaran.
Kata kunci : Every Circuit, Project Based Learning, Peserta Didik
Education is an important aspect of life. Everyone has the right to develop in the world of education. Quality education can be realized one way through the application of appropriate learning models. The learning process using the Project Based Learning model requires the use of electronic applications such as Every Circuit to support students' skills in the field of technology and increasing global competition. In this study, the cognitive domain learning results were obtained in the form of posttest results, the average experimental class learning result was 86.38, higher than the control class which was only 75.97. Learning outcomes in the psychomotor domain in the experimental class got an average of 84.58, higher than in the control class which only got 65.83. Meanwhile, the learning outcomes in the affective domain in the experimental class got an average of 87.4 and the control class 80.86. . Based on the N-Gain Score Test in the experimental class, a value of 0.7459 was obtained, which means g > 0.7 so that it can be categorized as learning using the application of the every circuit application in the high category. The results of the analysis of the student response questionnaire that was given to the experimental class with a total of 36 students when the learning was completed received an average response of 90.1%, which shows that the response was very interested in carrying out the learning.
Keywords: Every Circuit, Project Based Learning, Student.