Mustofa, Ali, 2021, The Influence of Instructional Leadership, Management Innovation, School Ethos and Community
Engagement on School Improvement at Madrasah Tsanawiyah in East Java.
Dissertation: Education Management Study Program,
Graduate School of Surabaya State University. Advisors: (I) Prof. Dr. H. Muchlas Samani, MA. and (II) Dr. Soedjarwo, M.S.
Keywords: School Improvement, Instructional Leadership, Management Innovation, School
Ethos, Community Engagement, Madrasah
The purpose of this study is to analyse the effect of
instructional leadership, management innovation, school ethos, community
engagement directly and indirectly on school improvement. It was quantitative in nature
which included school improvement as an endogenous
variable, and instructional leadership, management innovation, school ethos, and community engagement as exogenous
variables. The population of this study were
teachers in public Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri (MTs: junior high schools)
and private MTs in East Java Province. Using stratified cluster random
sampling, it involved 400 teachers
spreading across 10 cities. The stages of this research included, 1)
preliminary research, 2) the scale
content validity testing using expert
judgment, 3) the scale testing using Alpha Conbrach, 4) data collection, and 5) data analysis using the
Structural Equation Modelling test
This research had resulted that only two of the exogenous
variables such as instructional leadership and innovation management have a significant direct impact on school improvement with their values
0, 43 and 0, 51 respectively while the other two do not have
since their values
is or less than 0,00. However, it also shown that the impact of exogenous variables shown various result on other
each other as well as on school improvement indirectly. For example, instructional leadership had
been proven to have a significant direct
impact on innovation management, school ethos and community engagement with the value 0, 93, 0, 68 and 0, 65 for each,
but this does not necessarily influence on school improvement indirectly. Furthermore, innovation management and community engagement have been proven do not have an indirect significant effect on school improvement
through school ethos.