design of the Instagram Microblog to introduce the potential of Bondowoso
Regency is motivated by the lower level of tourist visits to Bondowoso Regency
compared to Banyuwangi Regency and Probolinggo Regency. Based on the search
results of several online sites, the factor causing the lack of tourist visits
to Bondowoso Regency
is due to information media,
especially Bondowoso Regency
social media which is less than optimal. One of the social media that has an important
role in the dissemination
of tourist information is Instagram. To increase the Instagram content, it is
necessary to design interesting content in the form of an Instagram Microblog.
The design method identifies from the previous
Instagram account as the basis
for designing a new Instagram
design in the form of a microblog so that it looks more
attractive, provides more detailed information related to tourism objects,
culinary and special crafts. Data analysis uses SWOT analysis, namely that some
existing Instagram accounts show the character of their respective Instagram
accounts, for example in the form of only captions, tourist attraction info, or
culinary info so that in a swot analysis this becomes a strength or strength but there is a weakness, namely the information is very limited.
From this, a design is arranged with a design process starting from the preparation of the design
sketch, making the account name, compiling the logo
design, the layout of the feed filling, selecting the source of the feed content
in the form of photos, providing information on each photo content in the form
of a description of the distance of the tourist attraction to the city center,
lodging facilities , transportation , make feed captions. create story form
content. The final result of the design in the form of an Instagram microblog
mockup is divided into three major themes,
namely the theme of tourism
objects such as Ijen Crater,
Tancak Kembar Waterfall, Bukit Batu So'on, culinary
themes such as various Bondowoso Tapes, shredded and special craft themes
such as Batik Sakerreng, Cindogo
brass. Through the design of the Instagram microblog, it is hoped that it
will be able to support
the introduction of potential and increase tourist
visits to Bondowoso Regency.