Ada beberapa faktor yang menyebabkan persediaan minyak bumi menipis, antara lain: (1) pendayagunaan terus menerus sesuai umur eksploitasi, (2) permintaan domestik meningkat, serta (3) sangat ketergantungan terhadap penggunaan minyak bumi. Oleh karena itu, sumber energi alternatif seperti bioetanol yang diharapkan bisa memenuhi kebutuhan bahan bakar, salah satu sumber bahan baku yang digunakan adalah umbi ganyong dengan tujuan volume dan kadar bioetanol hasil fermentasi dan distilasi sesuai dengan Keputusan Jenderal EBTKE Nomor : 722K/10/DJE/2013.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan variasi lama waktu fermentasi yaitu 3, 4, 5, 6, dan 7 hari serta dilakukan uji yield untuk mendapatkan volume bioetanol optimum, lalu dilanjutkan pada tahap distilasi dengan metode uji meliputi kadar etanol dan metanol, kadar air, kadar tembaga, asam asetat (titrimetri), kadar ion klorida (Argentrometri), kandungan blerang, heating value, viscosity, densitas, flash point, dan pour point.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan variasi lama waktu fermentasi optimal adalah 6 hari dengan volume 850 ml, kadar etanol 11,64%, dan yield 36,48 %, Proses distilasi dilakukan sebanyak enam kali, distilasi pertama menggunakan condensor liebig, distilasi kedua menggunakan plate distilation, distilasi ketiga sampai ke enam menggunakan condensor liebig dengan adsorben , hasil keenam diperoleh kadar etanol 99,6% dengan yield 87 %, kadar metanol 0,01%-v, kadar air 0,04 %-v, kadar tembaga 0 mg/kg, kadar keasaman sebagai asam asetat 0,01 mg/L, tampakan bening tidak berwarna, densitas 0,7906 gr/cm3, nilai kalor 7126,5 Kcal/kg , titik nyala (flash point) 11,8 C, dan viskositas 0,681 CSP.
Kata kunci: bioetanol, umbi ganyong, lama fermentasi, karakteristik dan kadar.
There are several factors that cause the supply of petroleum to be depleted, including: (1) continuous utilization according to the age of exploitation, (2) increasing domestic demand, and (3) very dependence on the use of petroleum. Therefore, alternative energy sources such as bioethanol are expected to meet fuel needs, one of the sources of raw materials used is canna tubers with the aim of volume and content of bioethanol produced by fermentation and distillation in accordance with the Decree of the General EBTKE Number: 722K/10/DJE/ 2013.
This study used an experimental method with variations in the length of fermentation time, namely 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 days and a yield test was carried out to obtain the optimum volume of bioethanol, then proceeded to the distillation stage with test methods including ethanol and methanol levels, water content, and water content. copper, acetic acid (titrimetry), chloride ion content (Argentrometry), sulfur content, heating value, viscosity, density, flash point, and pour point.
The results of this study indicate that the variation of the optimal fermentation time is 6 days with a volume of 850 ml, ethanol content of 11.64%, and yield of 36.48%. The distillation process is carried out six times, the first distillation uses a liebig condenser, the second distillation uses plate distillation, the third to sixth distillation using a liebig condenser with adsorbent, the sixth result obtained ethanol content of 99.6% with a yield of 87%, methanol content 0.01%-v, water content 0.04%-v, copper content 0 mg/kg, The acidity as acetic acid is 0.01 mg/L, it looks colorless, the density is 0.7906 gr/cm3, the calorific value is 7126.5 Kcal/kg, the flash point is 11.8 C, and the viscosity is 0.681 CSP.
Keywords: bioethanol, canna tuber, fermentation time, characteristics and content.