Influence, Problem Based Learning Model (MPBM), Level of Creativity, Learning
Outcomes and Design Basis.
This study aims
to: (1) analyze differences in the use of learning models based on problems and
direct learning models on student learning outcomes; (2) analyzing the
differences in learning outcomes of students who have a high level of
creativity and students who have a low level of creativity; and (3) analyze the
results of interactions between the use of learning models and the level of
creativity on student learning outcomes.
The method used
in this research is Quasi Experimental. The research design used was a 2x2
factorial design. The sample of the research class was taken by simple random
sampling technique. The research subjects consisted of 2 groups, namely: (1) an
experimental group learning by using a problem based learning model; and (2) a
control group that learns by using the direct learning model. Hypothesis
testing using the ANACOVA Test technique.
The study found that: (1) learning outcomes for
students learning to use the CBDM were significantly higher than learning
outcomes for students learning to use the MPL. MPBM (cognitive domain learning
outcomes = 84,638, affective domain learning outcomes = 83,129, and psychomotor
learning outcomes = 83,767) and MPL (cognitive domain learning outcomes =
83,066, affective domain learning outcomes = 81,419, and psychomoral learning
outcomes = 82,405) in Basic Design subjects; (2) learning outcomes for students
with high levels of creativity, significantly higher than learning outcomes for
students with low levels of creativity. Kindergarten high (cognitive domain
learning outcomes = 85,330, affective domain learning outcomes = 83,360, and
psychomotor domain learning outcomes = 84,229) and low Kindergarten learning
(cognitive domain learning outcomes = 82,372, affective domain learning
outcomes = 81,118, and psychomotor domain learning outcomes = 82,943 ) in Basic
Design subjects; and (3) there is an interaction between the use of learning
models and the level of creativity of student learning outcomes in the Basic
Design subjects at SMK 1 Jabon