Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mendeskripsikan validitas, kepraktisan dan keefektifan aplikasi E-Student’s Worksheet (ESW) berbasis etnosains pada materi perubahan fisika & kimia. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dan pengembangan Research and Development dengan sampel penelitian sebanyak 26 siswa kelas VII-A SMP Negeri 1 Mojowarno. Metode pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah metode pengamatan, metode tes berupa soal keterampilan proses sains dan angket respon siswa. Hasil penelitian ditunjukkan sebagai berikut : (1) Validitas aplikasi E-Student’s Worksheet (ESW) berbasis etnosains memperoleh modus dari tiap aspek kelayakan sebesar 5 dengan kategori Sangat Baik. (2) Kepraktisan aplikasi E-Student’s Worksheet (ESW) berbasis etnosains dapat diukur melalui observasi aktivitas serta respon siswa terhadap aplikasi E-Student’s Woksheet. Observasi aktivitas siswa memperoleh rata-rata sebesar 90,11% dengan kategori sangat baik serta respon siswa memperoleh persentase sebesar 91,78% dengan kategori sangat baik. (3) Keefektifan aplikasi E-Student’s Worksheet dapat diukur melalui peningkatan tes keterampilan proses sains sebelum dan sesudah menggunakan aplikasi E-Student’s Worksheet (ESW) berbasis etnosains dengan N-Gain sebesar 0,71 dengan kategori tinggi.
Keywords : aplikasi E-Student’s Worksheet (ESW), keterampilan proses sains, perubahan fisika & kimia
The purpose of this study is to describe the validity, practicality and effectiveness of the application of E-Student Worksheets (ESW) based on ethnnics on material changes in physics & chemistry. This type of research is Research and Development research and development with a sample of 26 students in class VII-A Mojowarno 1 Middle School. The method of data collection in this study is the observation method, the test method is in the form of science process skills and student response questionnaires. The results of the study are shown as follows: (1) The validity of the E-Student's Worksheet (ESW) application based on ethno-science obtained the mode of each feasibility aspect of 5 with the Very Good category. (2) The practicality of the application of E-Student's Worksheet (ESW) based on ethnosses can be measured through observation of activities and student responses to the E-Student Woksheet application. Observation of student activities gained an average of 90.11% with very good categories and responses of students to obtain a percentage of 91.78% with a very good category. (3) The effectiveness of the E-Student's Worksheet application can be measured by increasing the science process skills test before and after using the ethnosains-based E-Student's Worksheet (ESW) application with N-Gain of 0.71 in the high category.
Keywords: E-Student's Worksheet (ESW) application, science process skills, physical & chemical changes