Residence or House is a place where we do all of our activities from morning until night, besides that it is a place to come back from wherever we were. Citizen of Indonesia with a low income is still rife now with total 25.95 million people who cause many houses included as an Unlivable House’s Category. Unlivable House’s program means Auspices Stimulant of Self-helping House or House Rebuilding, this program has a point to develop citizen self-helping in building or house quality developing which include media, infrastructure, and general utilities. Bojonegoro district has poverty level 0f 14.35% that means there are 178 thousand citizens live under poverty level, and still founded that there are many citizens houses which underrate or below the standard of livable house include roof, floor, and wall which are focus of house rebuilding’s program by Bojonegoro’s Regent this year. Campurejo village is a productive village in establishment, in 2018 Campurejo village’s Government had target to rebuild their citizen houses that had profession as a Social Server.
This research focus is citizen self-helping, citizen empowerment, transparency, accountable and self-development aftermath. This research subjects are Campurejo’s Village Head, Campurejo’s Social Prosperity unit Head, beneficiaries, and local citizen. Data collection’s methods which used in this research are interview, observation, and documentation. Data analysis techniques that used in this research are data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion.
This research result showed that Principle of Citizen Self-Helping had been done well by citizens in strength (citizen who ready to help) and auspices in the form of build material and fund which directly given to house owner. Principle of Citizen Self-helping had been done well enough as well as participation of citizen, but citizen didn’t follow the planning process because plan was only done by village side. In Principle of Transparency even though had been applied a deliberation, socialization, and evaluation with local citizens but there was less transparent in the budget thing, citizen did not know about the details of fund but they only knew about total of the budget. Next, Principal of Accountable showed that village government who gave auspices BSPS to Social Server equally of the target and carried out BSPS program from the beginning until the house built. Whereas, Principle of Self-Development Aftermath showed that Social Server received auspices who want to open a grocery store to support their needs
Suggestions in this research is first, push citizens to participate more that can improved citizen self-helping with encourage the socialization or held a free-for-all deliberation. Second, engage all citizens to participate in a planning process with the result that can share many opinions. Third, make an information board about the detail of fund to make citizens not only know about total of the budget. Fourth, increase participation of the citizen in another program, example in a prosperity program for disability citizen. And fifth, socialization to all auspices receiver to look after their house and periodically checking or controlling by Village Government.
Keyword: House, Auspices Stimulant of Self-Helping House, House Rebuilding.