Hormon merupakan sinyal kimiawi yang disekresikan ke dalam cairan tubuh dan berfungsi untuk mengkomunikasikan pesan-pesan yang bersifat mengatur. Berdasarkan data Ujian Nasional (UN) 2017/2018, capaian UN biologi di kota blitar 56,83 dan daya serap UN pada materi sistem hormon di tingkat satuan pendidikan 46,43. Nilai daya serap di bawah 50 persen menunjukkan masih adanya hambatan dalam penguasaan konsep terkait materi sistem hormon yang berdampak pada ketuntasan belajar. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan profil miskonsepsi peserta didik pada submateri sistem endokrin dengan teknik Certainty of Response Index (CRI) dan mengetahui faktor penyebab miskonsepsinya. Subjek penelitian adalah 84 siswa kelas XII Bio dan guru biologi di SMA Negeri 2 Blitar. Instrumen tes diagnostik yang dikembangkan berjumlah 21 butir soal dengan 6 soal tipe true- false test dan 15 soal tipe multiple choice test tentang submateri sistem endokrin. Instrumen tes diagnostik menggunakan teknik CRI. Faktor penyebab miskonsepsi diketahui melalui kegiatan wawancara. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian dengan instrumen tes diagnostik CRI, kategori pemahaman terhadap submateri sistem endokrin dibagi menjadi empat yaitu, paham konsep dengan baik (P) paham konsep namun ragu (PR), tidak tahu konsep (TK), dan miskonsepsi (MK). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa peserta didik mengalami tidak paham konsep (TK) 44,67%, paham konsep dengan baik (P) 14,29%, paham konsep namun ragu (PR) 18,37%, dan miskonsepsi (MK) 22,68%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, miskonsepsi yang dialami peserta didik dalam kriteria rendah. Faktor penyebab miskonsepsi dapat dibedakan menjadi 4 faktor, yaitu pengetahuan peserta didik, kurangnya informasi mengenai sistem endokrin, guru, dan metode pembelajaran.
Kata kunci: certainty of response index (CRI), miskonsepsi, sistem endokrin.
Hormones are the body’s chemical messengers which are secreted into body fluids and the function is to deliver the regulating message. According to the data of Ujian Nasional (UN) on 2017/2018, the achievement score of UN for biology in Blitar was 56.83 and absorption of UN for hormonal system material at unit level of education was 46.43. The value of absorption below 50 percent shows there are obstacles in understanding the concept related to hormonal system material which impact the mastering the material. The purpose of this research was described the profile of students’ misconception in endocrine system material using the Certainty of Response Index (CRI) technique and knowing the causal factor of the misconception. Subject of the research were 84 biology students of twelve grade and a biology teacher at SMA Negeri 2 Blitar. There were 21 questions of developed diagnostic test instrument which consist of 6 true-false questions and 15 multiple choice questions about endocrine system sub material. Diagnostic test instrument was used CRI technique. The causal factors of misconception were known through the interview section. As the result of diagnostic test used CRI technique, the comprehension category towards endocrine system sub material was divided into four, there were understand the concept well (P), understand the concept doubtfully (PR), do not know the concept (TK) and misconception (MK). The result showed students do not know the concept (TK) was 44.67%, understanding the concept well (P) was 14.29%, understanding the concept doubtfully (PR) was 18.37% and misconception (MK) was 22.68%. Based on the data, can be concluded that misconception occurred the student was classified in the low category. The causal of misconception can be divided into 4 factors, namely the knowledge of the students, lack information about endocrine system, the teacher, and the learning method.
Keywords: certainty of response index (CRI), endocrine system, misconception.