Pengembangan modul dalam pembelajaran berperan penting mengurangi abstraksi penyampaian materi ajar. Sehingga lebih efektif, dan mempermudah siswi memahami materi dan praktik karena isinya lebih ringkas dan fokus pada intinya. Penelitian pengembangan modul pola rok ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan 1) kelayakan modul yang dikembangkan pada materi pola rok 2) hasil belajar siswa setelah menggunakan modul yang dikembangkan 3) respon siswa setelah menggunakan modul. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan, yang dilaksanakan di MA Al-Ishlah Sendangagung pada bulan April. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah ADDIE model yang terdiri atas tahap: analyze, design, development, implementation, dan evaluation. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan ialah penilaian tingkat validitas dan tes. Validator yang terlibat sebanyak 3 orang terdiri atas 2 ahli materi dan 1 ahli media. Instrumen penelitian berupa lembar penilaian validitas, angket dan lembar tes kognitif siswa. Jumlah responden untuk ujicoba empiris adalah siswa kelas XI sebanyak 29 orang. Metode pengolahan data menggunakan metode analisis diskriptif dengan menghitung nilai rata-rata hasil validasi media, rata-rata observasi siswa dan kategorisasi nilai ketuntasan hasil belajar. Hasil penelitian menyatakan: 1) kelayakan validasi media pengembangan modul pola rok mendapatkan rata-rata total sebesar 4,125 yang menyatakan kriteria sangat valid sehingga layak untuk diuji cobakan. 2) hasil belajar siswa setelah menerapkan modul pola rok pada mata pelajaran keterampilan busana mencapai ketuntasan belajar klasikal sebesar 90%, termasuk dalam kategori sangat baik melebihi tingkat ketuntasan belajar klasikal yang berlaku di MA Al-Ishlah Sendangagung yaitu 75%. 3) Respon siswa terhadap modul pola rok memperoleh hasil prosentase 74% dari siswa menjawab “IYA” dengan kriteria setuju.
Module development in the learning process plays an important role in reducing the abstraction of teaching material. Therefore, it is more effective and makes it easier for students to understand the material and practice because the content is more concise and focuses on the point. This study of module development aims to describe: 1) the feasibility of the developed module in making skirt patterns 2) the student’s learning outcome after using the developed module 3) the student’s responses after using the developed module. This study was development research, which was conducted at MA Al-Ishlah Sendangagung in April. This study used the ADDIE model which consisted of a few stages, which were analyzing, designing, developing, implementing, and evaluating. The data collection method used was the assessment of validity and test level. The validators were 3 people consisting of 2 material experts and 1 media expert. The research instruments were validity assessment sheets, questionnaires, and student cognitive test sheets. The number of respondents for the empirical test were 29 students of XI grade. The data processing method used the descriptive analysis method by calculating the average value of the results of media validation, the average student observation, and the categorization of learning outcomes. The results of the study showed that: 1) the feasibility of validating the media for the development of the skirt patterns module obtained a total average of 4,125, which stated that the criteria were very valid, so it was worth testing. 2) students’ learning outcomes after implementing the skirt patterns module in the fashion skills subject achieved classical learning mastery of 90%, including the very good category and exceeding the classical learning mastery level at MA Al-Ishlah Sendangagung, which was 75%. 3) student’s response after implementation of the development of the skirt patterns module obtained 74% from students who answered "YES" including the agree category.