The topic of discussion regarding diversity is an important part to be discussed on an ongoing
basis in line with the survival of the nation. Remember, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika is the motto of the
Indonesian nation. Knowledge about diversity needs to be emphasized and preserved in
children, where these effort can be started from the earliest level, namely elementary
school.This research aims to determine the influence of the role playing model on the learning
outcomes and attitudes of class V students at SDN Kabuh. This research uses a type of
experiment with a quasi-experimental design. The research sample of class VA(control class)
was 23 students, and clas VB (experimental class) was 24 students. Data collection on learning
outcomes wa carried out using pretest dan posttest, while the results of student attitude
activities used observation assistance from each homeroom teacher. Based on the wilcoxon test
calculation analysis, the learning result for the control class was 0.57 and the experimental
class was 0.00, meaning tat Ho was accepted. Meanwhile, the observation score for the control
class was 74,26 and the experimental class was 82,66, which was classified as good. In this
way, it can be concluded tat there is an influence of the role playing model on the learning
outcomes and tolerance attitudes of class V students at SDN Kabuh