Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji penerapan konseling teknik reframing dalam meningkatkan adversity quotient peserta didik di SMAN 2 Madiun. Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Single Subject Research (SSR) desain A-B. Subjek penelitiannya adalah tiga peserta didik kelas XI di SMAN 2 Madiun yang terindikasi memiliki permasalahan adversity quotient berdasarkan hasil wawancara dengan Guru BK. Waktu pelaksanaan penelitian ini sebanyak 13 kali sesi dengan 5 kali baseline (A) dan 8 kali intervensi (B). Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan angket dengan instrumen skala adversity quotient.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan rata-rata akumulasi skor fase baseline (A) dan dilanjutkan fase intervensi (B), dan ditemui hasil pada subjek 1 memiliki rata-rata skor baseline (A) yaitu 37,4 dan pada fase intervensi (B) yaitu 71,25. Subjek 2 memiliki rata-rata skor baseline (A) yaitu 38,4 dan pada fase intervensi (B) yaitu 70,5. Dan subjek 3 memiliki rata-rata skor baseline (A) yaitu 38,4 dan pada fase intervensi (B) yaitu 74,625. Sehingga dapat diartikan bahwa adversity quotient pada fase baseline (A) dapat ditingkatkan melalui intervensi (B).
Berdasarkan data tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa konseling dedngan teknik reframing dapat meningkatkan adversity quotient peserta didik di SMAN 2 Madiun.
Kata kunci: single subject, teknik reframing, adversity quotient, SMAN 2 Madiun.
This study aims to examine the application of counseling with reframing technique in increasing the adversity quotient of students at SMAN 2 Madiun. This research approach is quantitative. This type of research is Single Subject Research (SSR) A-B design. The research subjects were three students in 11th grade at SMAN 2 Madiun who were indicated to have adversity quotient problems based on the results of interviews with the counseling teacher. The time for conducting this study was 13 sessions with 5 baselines (A) and 8 interventions (B). The data collection technique in this study used a questionnaire with an adversity quotient scale instrument.
The results of this study showed that the average accumulated score for the baseline phase (A) was followed by the intervention phase (B), and the results found that subject 1 had an average baseline score (A) of 37.4 and in the intervention phase (B) of 71. ,25. Subject 2 had an average baseline score (A) of 38.4 and in the intervention phase (B) of 70.5. And subject 3 had an average baseline score (A) of 38.4 and in the intervention phase (B) of 74.625. So it can be interpreted that the adversity quotient in the baseline phase (A) can be increased through intervention (B).
Based on these data it can be concluded that counseling with reframing technique can improve the adversity quotient of students at SMAN 2 Madiun.
Keywords: single subject, reframing technique, adversity quotient, SMAN 2 Madiun.