The implementation of Scaffolding learning through Socio Scientific Issues in enhancing students’ scientific literacy on water pollution topic material
Literasi sains menjadi kunci utama dalam menghadapi tantangan abad 21. Penyebab minimnya kemampuan siswa dalam literasi sains yaitu minimnya kandungan literasi sains dalam bahan ajar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan keterlaksanaan, aktivitas, respon peserta didik dan efektivitas pembelajaran Scaffolding berbasis Socio Scientific Issuesdalam meningkatkan literasi sains siswa pada materi pencemaran air. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah case study. Penelitian dilakukan di SMP Negeri Sangkapura. Instrument yang digunakan yaitu Lembar pengamatan keterlaksanaan, aktivitas, respon peserta didik dan kemampuan literasi sains peserta didik. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan tes soal (pre-test dan post-test) iterasi sains dan Koisioner dan lembar pedoman wawancara (observasi). Hasil yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini yaitu:
Pertama, hasil rekapitulasi keterlaksanaan penilaian pengamat pada pertemuan pertama diperoleh nilai rata-rata 3,47 (kriteria baik), pada pertemuan kedua diperoleh nilai rata-rata 3,63 (kriteria sangat baik) dan pada pertemuan ketiga diperoleh nilai rata-rata 3,91 (kriteria sangat baik). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa peneliti dapat mengimplementasikan perangkat Scaffolding berbasis Socio Scientific Issues pada materi pencemaran air dengan baik.
Kedua, Nilai rata-rata rekapitulasi hasil aktivitas peserta didik yaitu pada pertemuan pertama 61%, pada pertemuan kedua 75% dan pada pertemuan ketiga 85,6%. Peneliti merasakan kesulitan siswa untuk membaca bacaan ilmiah, membaca bahan ajar, dan mengidentifikasi konsep-konsep terkait materi yang diajarkan. Sehingga, bimbingan guru saat membaca bacaan yang diperlukan untuk mendorong dan merangsang peserta didik secara terus menerus untuk mengembangkan minat dan motivasi.
Ketiga, nilai rata-rata respons siswa terhadap perangkat pembelajaran scaffolding berbasis Socio- Scientific Issuespada materi pencemaran air yaitu 80%. Hal ini disebabkan karena siswa juga merasa terlatih dalam membaca bacaan isu sosial ilmiah, mencari informasi penting dari isu sosial ilmiah, mempelajari fenomena ilmiah, peduli lingkungan, dan bisa membuat keputusan akan permasalahan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
keempat, efektivitas pembelajaran Scaffolding berbasis Socio Scientific Issues dalam meningkatkan literasi sains siswa dapat disimpulkan bahwa literasi sain siswa menjadi lebih meningkat disebabkan oleh hasil keterlaksanaan pembelajaran yang tinggi dan didukung oleh aktivitas siswa yang sesuai kegiatan pembelajaran Scaffolding berbasis Socio Scientific Issues. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan hasil tes literasi sains peserta didik yang didapatkan nilai rata-rata tiap kelas yaitu: pada kelas A nilai pretest memiliki rata-rata 39 (level 3), posttest memiliki rata-rata 70 (level 5), dan nilai rata-rata N-Gain 0,528 kategori sedang. Pada kelas B nilai pretest memiliki rata-rata 36 (level 2), posttest memiliki rata-rata 66 (level 5) dan nilai rata-rata N-Gain 0,48 kategori sedang. Pada kelas C nilai pretest memiliki rata-rata 34 (level 2), posttest memiliki rata-rata 60 (level 4), dan nilai rata-rata N-Gain 0,41 kategori sedang.
Kata kunci : Scaffolding, Socio Scintific Issues, Efektivitas, Literasi Sains.
Scientific literacy is the main important key of facing the challenges of the 21st century. The factor that drives students to the low of scientific literacy ability is the absence of the scientific literacy knowledge contained within the teaching material. This study aimed to describe the implementation, classroom activities, students’ response, and the effectiveness of scaffolding learning through Socio Scientific Issues in enhancing students’ scientific literacy ability on water pollution topic material. This study applied case study which conducted at SMP Sangkapura and used observer's assessment sheet, classroom activities guideline, student responses and scientific literacy abilities as the instruments of the study. The data collection techniques were carried out using scientific literacy test (pre- and post-test), questionnaire, and interview guideline. The result of this study obtained:
First, the result of the implementation of the observer's assessment for the first meeting obtained a mean of 3.47 (good criterion), at the second meeting got a mean value of 3.63 (very good criteria) and at the third meeting a mean value was obtained of 3.91 (very good criteria). It showed that the researcher was able to implement Scaffolding learning through Socio Scientific Issues on the water pollution topic material properly.
Second, the mean value of the students’ activity at the first meeting was 61%, the second meeting was 75%, and the last meeting is 85.6%. In this study, the researcher found that students faced difficulty in reading scientific literature, teaching materials, and how they identify concepts related to the material being taught. Thus, the continuous teacher's guidance when reading the text is needed to encourage and stimulate students in order to develop their interest and motivation.
Third, the mean value of students’ response of the scaffolding learning through Socio-Scientific Issues on water pollution is 80%. It is caused the training implemented properly thus the students get the benefits through enhancing their reading social issues scientifically, learning to find out accurate and reliable information, learning scientific phenomenon, being pay attention to the environment, and trying to find and give proper solution to daily issues.
Last, the effectiveness of scaffolding learning through Socio Scientific Issues in enhancing students’ scientific literacy can be concluded that students’ scientific literacy had been increased caused of the proper implementation applied in the teaching-learning and supported by appropriate students’ activities with scaffolding learning based through Socio Scientific Issues guideline. It is also supported by the result of students' scientific literacy tests which obtained the mean in each class. A class pre-test score obtained mean of 39 (level 3), post-test got mean of 70 (level 5), and the N-Gain mean was 0.528 in the medium category. B class pre-test score obtained mean of 36 (level 2), post-test got mean of 66 (level 5), and the N-Gain mean was 0.48 in the medium category. C class pre-test score
obtained mean of 34 (level 2), post-test got mean of 60 (level 4), and the N-Gain mean was 0.4 in the moderate category.
Keywords: Scaffolding, Socio Scientific Issues, Effectiveness, Scientific Literacy.